my rant !!!! please read

If anyone else would like to discuss what I’ve said. PM me.

It’s not really related to the original post anyways.

And reading someones tone isn’t very accurate over the internets.

Hey farmer, did they steal it from your place or when you said steal you meant you gave away and they are reselling?

Sigh, some people may have really needed those items badly.
These guys are horrible.

they stole from his house

Wait, so these guys went to Farmer’s house after he left, or while they were there getting other stuff?

Either way, that’s still the lowest of the low… That’s lower than lowballing… That’s pretty much a criminal offense (assuming these people stole while Farmer was away)

ok i guess i need to chime in again

i have read all of these replies and I am amazed at the variety of responses

I have spoken with martino and i have heard his side of the story and i am understanding of his situation and what has transpired.

As for the other comments, i chuckled when i saw the $20 gas money thing surface again, my anger comes from all of the bullshit i have had to endure over the past few yrs on this board, from extreme lowballing too just plain old not showing up. I cant seem to understand why ppl feel the need to be like this , I cant see how not showing up for parts and being a total no show is benificial for anybody ??? The fact that somebody would have the balls to steal from me, at my house is totally mind blowing. and when i find out who did it, i will fuck him up on site , no questions asked !!!

yes this started as a rant and i am still upset about being stolen from, that is the major reason for my anger, and displeasure towards the actions of alot of the members on this board. Im not starting a war on this board im just trying to make ppl aware what happens to members trying to help the community as a whole

As for the stuff that was stolen , it angers me more because this stuff was property of someone else and now i am out of pocket and my generosity has now cost me , to the tune of about $400. Explain to me how i can trust anybody other than my closest friends to be on my property.


somebody really asked you for money after giving the free parts? you should of taken the part and crowned them with it. as for stealing, call the cops or deal with it with your own brand of justice. either way don’t let them get away with it. one more reason why i try not to let people come to my place when i sell shit.


what got stolen? i’ll hunt for it lol, but really tho what was it?

farmer justice quick swift violent justice

that is all

to all those who i have contact with on a regular basis , I am not angry with you. if i have beef then it will be real obvious


chuck norris= farmer in disguise

all jokes aside still dont understand who or why someone would steal from him

kinda like when a son member shows up to my part out and grabs a whole bunch of stuff and while im dealing with someone else he bails out and leaves without giving me any money at all for a trunk load of shit.

who did that?

i once read about this somewhere nor do i personally suggest anyone doing this. . but wenever someone steals from someone. a GROUP of community ppl shuld get together and form a LEGAL gathering to the persons house and blindfold him and take turns giving him the sack.

^You mean like, everyone gangs up and goes on a hunt with pitchforks and javelons. then beat the shit out of the person/people that had the balls to steal shit, then hang(duckt tape or zip tie) them from a tree and beat them senseless with wood (because mother nature is kind and not an illegal weapon) then leave them there for the rest of the night, or beat them until they fall.

If so, then yea, sure. I’m in. Stealing isint cool, expecially when the items stolen were’nt yours.

Condolences to Farmer, and yea, the 20$ thing was jokes.

its called a linch mob

… do it

While we’re on the topic of SON douchebaggery, here is a perfect example of it…

Nate Drake’s turbo for sale, last post says buyer didn’t even show up with the amount of money agreed on.

Not even a day later, it is posted for sale on for 900 USD.

a sonling who then sold the parts for a profit.

Alright, so instead of face posting names, I will.


A while ago Nate_Drake posted that turbo for cheap, I was quick enough to hop on that. However, my intention was never to get rid of the turbo, aside from what everyone may think, but I was going to use it.

During the last month I had undergone some bad experiences and not only do I only get 4 hours a week at work, but I was being kicked out of university for unpaid tuition. So being pretty much jobless, my plan of building my ka and throwing it in my vert, soon came to an end. Along side all that happening, school came to me to withdraw…long story short, it took me over a week to convince my school registrar to allow me to stay in my program, but this bitch didn’t put this into the system, and I am still getting charged interest.

Now I’m not sure if anyone has noticed but i’ve sold almost $1500 of my parts in the last month or so. You know why? To help fund my tuition, and pay not only insurance, but many other bills. To make things worse, the interest I’m getting charged is insane so I need to pay that bill

Now tell me, everyone, if your stuck in a situation, and you need to pay for school…and selling almost everything you have to fund it isn’t something you could do? Would you? I did.

My full intention with that turbo was to keep it, and yes I’m sorry for going against my goal I guess? But right now, in my world…school is my top priority.

Nate_Drake was a good guy, but it isn’t illegal at all to try and flip an item. If someone else wanted that turbo, they would of hopped on it right away since it was posted for quite some time. I see no harm at selling it at a higher price to someone outside the SON community. Then everybody is happy.

Thanks to Martino for the basic layout of this post. I’d also just like to remind everyone on my situation.



Takes a man to step up and admit it. Props Ramea

LMFAOO Ramesh!

im down for the linch mob!!!