My Sundays: secret test & tune spot.

shotgun second from the right.

lol…Rabbit…i though Terry was the B13 crazy one…but now im afraid to leave my car around you…lol…you might rape it…lol:PPE

BAHAHAHAAHA that guy in the corner looks like Samson!

Here are some ol’school picks, from back in the day, sorry for the bad pic quality, pics were old, and pictures were scanned with old scanner.

This is in the M-E.

The pics arn’t much, they were taken on a family & friends piknik, so i couln’t really do anything, plus this area was more rocky than soft sand desert.
This was a suv, car show out in the desert called Oasis, behind us is the huge indoor tent lol, not made of cloth, and a drive in type movie thing, my friend and i are treating ourselves to some arabian tea, and lol
the others were scrambeling to find sheesha’s. The Discovery on the right was mine, and the freelander is his, among many other really nice one’s that belonged to others…

LOL. my crib…and the landcruiser in the garage, behind it was a 3 door nissan patrol the new suv ballin back in the day.

now I know where you go dude…

just remember every year people die on that twisty stretch.

its called the “forks of the credit”

and the red rolling earth spot is nick named “the badlands” or “Mars”

I hav had a large froup of friends die on the forks of the credit road.

it is a super dangerous road.
with a couple 180 dgree turns with about 1m between itself.

the area is super hot for cops too and the residents call the cops at the slightest sound of tires and or engines.

be super safe there and honk aqt most of those tight turns.

the area is well know for being a racing death trap for almost 30yrs now

again thats not where i do anything, its just the way to my spot, which is not in residential area, yea the forks and badlands is for cruising bro not racing…like i said i know some people there so i can’t really do anything even if i wanted to…plus why would anyone one want to speed and miss the beautiful scenery…

you see the above pics of me messing around…thats in a country where cops are so loose when it comes to crazy car behaviour on the road, but i still went out far from city people, and any to do my thing…

thanks for your concern i appreciate it…though don’t worry i know whats safe and whats not…:R

forks of credit is closed for road maintenance

lol, the middle east is awesome, whatz in the tea? opium? lol! when i was in bahrain, everyone drove like f*cking maniacs, especially the saudis. i saw a guy do a wheely on a dirt bike right beside a police car in the middle of a busy city intersection and the cop did nothing at all.

the week that i arrived, some 14 year old royal prince crashed his bentley doing like 300km/h and died. ironically enough, he crashed into a giant billboard with his father’s face on it.

damm no wonder you’re always up for sheesha and Aladdins, and shawarma’ …yea i read in the paper about that young kid who crashed the PINK bently…man what a waist both life and car…but i have to say saudi’s are crazy they come up with the most dangerous stuff on wheels, but Dubai and Qatar were more chilling, more western oriented, and many…i mean many sexy women…most of them are mix…like American arab…Norweigen/Arab… i don’t mean to sound rube but it was hard not to wear baggy

I have actually been in a land cruiser with my crazy friend trying to two wheel it, i was so scared, until he finally did it…i could not belive it, it felt so much like on a bike…you could feel it through the wheels that it was stable, specially the faster he went…

but i feel sorry for the cops there…where i was…they were either your friend or you could show them the finger if you knew someone big.I was with the 3rd nephew of the king (i didn’t even know) he was my best friends friend… i was in the back, he was doing donut right outside the school F@#$% 4 scary as cop suv’s pulled all around us… i was like F#$%…cop pulls like 3 inches from our land cruiser, pulls his batton out and hits the driver window…(we were all round 0% tint) anyways the driver of our suv, pulls down his window, tells the cop do you know who i am, and the cops says get the F out the jeep. My buddies friend shows him the finger and says his name…lol the cop shit his pants and skidded and left…

i miss that place because of the car freedom…so sweet.

lol, there is definatly some hardcore car freedom going on over there. he middle east is hands down the best place to own a fast car. cheap gas, never rains, cops just dont give a shit. the trifecta!

i was thinking the same thing

the forks is a sick road…i tried taking a bunch of the guys there one night…but its closed…i warned them…dont pull no crazy shit…i dont need anyone in the ditch…a couple years ago i had a 300zx bbq at my house with vuk(ams) and some other 300 owners…we went cruising on the forks…and there were no cops…and werent bothered…it was during the day and no one was doing anything stupid

and also that one night we went to forks …we were trying to find the badlands lol i forgot how to get there…me and my friends call it “pumpkin hill” haha

“angelica, i just need to ask you one question, and it doesn’t matter how you answer it, i’m going to follow you anyways. But, are you taking us to a dark deserted area to rape us? because if so, that would be suuuuuuper.”

lol that was random but rather funny…i dunno what was wrong with me that night…im never bad with direction haha

yea, that happened to me a few times, i ended up west milton one

but now i know most of the north area very well, always keep “OLDBASE LINE rd” as the east to west road, the one before is “king st”, really dosen’t matter which road you take north, i.e dixie,torbram,kennedy,hwy10/main, best one is though dixie if you want to see cows…lol and really nice horses on your way, but the best and fastest one is McLauglin north to old base, and make a left all the way down to the badlands, i know shorter route, but it’ll leave you more lost, even faster rout is taking missisauga rd with this when you go north you don’t have to worry about finding old base, because the road comes or half way up the hill climb, and when you look left you can see the road going up steep, and you can never miss that…hope that helps.

well finding my way out there is no problem…ive travelled north many times…since i used to live up north…and i mean UP north…so i dont fancy seeing cows…it was just whether it was king st or another and how far down

^^^oh k…nice.

yes very nice actually…anything having to do with me and my life is …nice…oh k



i saw your car at the meet this sat, but not you,were you hiding? jks

you know whats funny i finally reach early @ 9.30, but everyone leaves early too…from TNC…lol

^^^saw your car but you were no where to be found.

im pretty sure you mistook sumone elses car for mine cuz i was definately not at the meet or n e where near scarbs yeterday