Need a VZW phone? Check in here for specials...

i believe so, i’ll check when im there tomorrow. any color in mind?

Black please. Im not sure what is available since all the stores i checked were sold out.

possible to get my fiance into a different phone that is not a BB Curve since its nothing but problems and she has been through 3 of them?? or have her be eligible for full discounts? lol

kthx love you <3!!!

just looked, nothing in our system yet.

nothing in our system yet :frowning:

they are in our system but listed as “coming soon” so it wont let me order them just yet.

all PMs replied to and followed up with.

thank you sir

Cool, didn’t figure the battery was out yet. Once it is, I’m definitely buying one.

Question, Would I also get the extra discount for being the head of a family plan at this time or would I have to wait until my contract is up? I have been waiting to get the incredible but my 2 year contract is up on May 23rd so it is no biggie if I have to wait.

wait till the normal date to take advantage of the NE2. Also, there is a 7 day grace period now, so we should be able to take care of you on the 16th.

---------- Post added at 05:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

how long are you getting per charge right now?

hmm ive had my dare since it came out, the incredible sounds bitchin right about now.

ive got 3 left! these things are movin quick!

I’m sick of my Omnia and I am not eligible for an upgrade until December, what can you do for me? I usually buy phones dirt cheap in between plans from Sam on Main Street. What can you do to pull me away from him?:wink:

grace period eh, you wouldnt happen to know if you are working on the 16th lol. This samsung glide has sucked for the last 2 years. If not I will drop by after work sometime that week

depends on what ur lookin for and what u consider dirt cheap. stop in sometime and well look at options…

i’m off on the 16th but im there mon- fri

is it possible to have 6 lines on one family plan?

i’ve seen it.

i should clarify.

family share plans can only be up to 5 lines, its a limitation in the system. ive seen 6 lines on one consumer liable account before, (IE: 5 voice lines and one broadband card)

just got 4 more incredibles in after being sold out. these are in real high demand right now and i’m not sure when I’m going to get more in. first come first served…

annnnnnd I’m out. Thanks go to The Hazz and Beck…

:tup: such a great phone! Now we just need VZW/HTC to release the 2150 battery and cover. That would be perfection!

I’ve got one Incredible right now, im not working this weekend but if anyone wants it, its up for grabs!

I’d take a few vx 8300’s if you have them.