need advice: my friend's gf is a slut

alright then calm the fuck down. when i said no offence, it means that i’m not making a comment on him but an observation on the situation. i dont know him in any way besides this thread so i didn’t want to ‘attack’ him.

And the reason I say that about being just as sleasy is because if you KNOW that she has a b/f, than your doing something that you would probably go crazy about if someone did it to you. You’d still be doing something wrong.

But hey, i guess no one really cares about anyone but themselves these days anyway right. gotta look after numero uno all the time. so bang away…


back on topic…

back OFF topic^^

bullshit nothing. it’s whole mindset of what you’re saying. come out and say what you’re gonna say, offensive or not. :slight_smile: observation my ass - that’s a LABEL for how you feel and your expression of it.

i used to look out for numero dos, but that never, ever paid off. but hey, if you’re stupid about it and the dude beats your ass, that’s YOUR fault :tup:

these days? as opposed to… when? people have always been rather corrupt, this isn’t some chronologically-dependent element that just showed up in like, the past 20yrs or something

and if this goofy bitch is gonna fuck some weird fat dude - nice standards. if not him, would have been someone else. let’s be realistic, take the fuck-er as a statistical given (as most guys would nail that shit if she’s decent), and take the fuck-ee as a variable, as most committed gf’s would NOT do that, esp. before a prospective move.

aside from the irrelevance of the actions of the fuck-er, the fuck-ee is at question here - and that stupid bitch needs to get this out one way or another before the move and work it out with her man, or get ditched to work at mobil til at least 2020. i’m hoping for the latter, inconsequential and scenario-dependent as my personal opinion may be.

/thread, go scrape some cows off the tracks

Tell him. The girl obviously doesn’t love him or she wouldn’t have cheated. There’s nothing worse than that horrible feeling in your stomach when you want to tell someone something like this, and you don’t, then you see your friend get hurt.

You tell him because if you were in that situation on the verge of leaving this wretched little town you would want to be told this. And you tell him this knowing full well it’s going to cause problems, but with the hope that it will prevent future problems.

Doing otherwise would be a form of lying. And liars are terrible creatures.

ignorance is bliss.

if the gf or the friend don’t own up to it then don’t say anything. if you do you’ll be involved and you don’t want to be. i know its shitty, i’ve been there, but i’ve been there with 10 other people when it should have been between me the boyfriend and the fucking whore.

yes he is your friend and you do owe him something…maybe tell him the rumour. his interest will spark and maybe he’ll get it out of one of them.

ugh. so shitty.

don’t get involved.

You’ve gotta fucking tell him!

shes 19-20 the guy she cheated with is 27 how old is the boyfriend??? you should tell him…

and you have to be a dickhead why? someone can’t have a different opinion from you without you being an ass to them.

w.e don’t matter to me. just don’t talk shit for no reason, i’m down for a good discussion/argument, but I try not to be an asshole to anyone on here.


Look man i’ve been in this situation before, you have to tell him. Put it this way anyone strong enough to make it into law school, is definately strong enough to make it through a breakup.

Sure it’s going to hurt your buddy a little but in the end he will thank you, trust me. Just make sure you black mail this bitch first like stated before for beer, then after you tell him share the beer with him while he’s down for a few days.

so what are you deciding here kyle? gonna tell him?


haha ok then :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, what are you thinking of doing, kCuv? i mean, just b/c like 97% of the responders here say doooo it… doesn’t mean you’re gonna. how soon beforehand are you going to tell him, and how? i mean i’m just curious in case if i ever get in the same situation, haha

we talked to the kid that did it, he denied it, but later on admitted to it and told him he has 2 days to tell the other dude, or else we will :confused:

now thats a good plan. make that little bitch man up and tell him on his own, i like that!

good job man, ur friend deserves to know…

tell him to man up or get fuked up :gotme:

be there with a camcorder for a sweeeeeeeeeet youtube upload

wow this is gonna be a good thread


I say: she ain’t your girlfriend so who cares? :gotme: Sometimes people gotta learn shit for themselves…

i have a solution for this…