Need help(speeding ticket)

lol @ radar suggestions.

Get a radar detector so you can avoid getting tickets in residental neighborhoods.You might be endangering the lives of others but atleast you wont get popped for speeding.

Tell them that you were driving drunk and its not your fault,might cut you some slack.

Im not 21. that equals like immediate prison or something rediculus like that.

Im not speeding for a long time, picking up radar detector.

Im just going to try…

Again not looking for sympathy in the ligthest, and this can be closed now, that all the help was found and know its all either bashing me or etc.

I = stupid. yes i know.


Definitely make sure that you point out to the judge that you were already slowing down from a higher speed when the cop gunned you at 72 in a residential zone. :tup: :rofl:


Seriousy start calling lawyers that do traffic law. i see that same 400 lb guy at every speeding ticket i have ever gotten and i hear they start around $50. Well worth the price in your case.

If its that cheap sure.

It may be a little more but Im 100% positive you can get one fro under 100. its still gonna be one hell of a fine though.

I’ve gotten a ticket from the batavia coppers for speeding on the thruway… and I’m pretty sure they give you the court date on the ticket they give you. you should check on that… because your court date may have been 4 months ago. :eyebrow:

It was, i went, they said oh, the officer gave you the wrong date, we will send you a new one…havent gotten one yet

Yeah I would REALLY look into that before you go to court for this one…

if the officer gave u the wrong date or violation code u get out of it. happened to a buddy of mine.

you are not talking your way out of this, you need a lawyer trust me, i got a 72 in a 35 there is no way around it

I have been doing online searching, i will talk to MY lawyer on friday. and are in contact with some of the online ones. Tixnix and such.

If he doesn’t show up you will default win if you plead not guilty. The radar gun is only a tool, court prescidence has allowed the trained eye of the officer to estimate speed, really. Pretty much your a kid going against a seasoned officer, with no reason to pull you over but the fact that you were haulling ass, and your kid friends will not convince the judge any different. Pretty much your lawyer will keep asking for another court date, in his lawyer talk until the officer can’t show up (all of the officers tickets are wrote for the same day so that they don’t miss work all the time) and when the officer doesn’t show up one time the lawyer will ask to move forward, and you get off, mabe. yea dn the date on the ticket really means shit, c’mon, everone has a friend that got off because “the date was wrong” or “The cop was on private property without permission”, doesn’t mean squat, really. You need counsel with you, at court day one, or your going to get spanked by the law. If you take anything from this thread, its this. Don’t be stupid, and don’t take advice from a bulletin board of people that will laugh if you end up in jail. stop googleing defenses and get to a lawyer, or you might be buying a huffy to ride around.

I googled Rochester New york Traffic lawyers, and emailed like 5 of them. Im not going without a lawyer of some sort. Whether its my old one or a new one.

Thanks for the REAL advice, n20junkie and 66impalass`. It was appreciated

True, that’s why they have not sent you a new court date, otherwise it would have been 4 months ago and you would have a suspended license. And whatever you do, DO NOT go in with your friend and say you where slowing down and the officer is wrong. The officer is always right. You do not need a lawyer, just be reasonable with them. Tell them you know it was stupid, and you need you license because you live XX miles away from school and XX miles away from Work, and you take you sick grandmother grocery shopping on wednesdays, ect. ect. ect. You will end up in the same boat as if you had gotten the lawyer. Just you will have a few more bucks in you pocket.

Idk i think thats easier to do on a smaller ticket. this is big. :frowning:

going without a lawyer is going to ensure him that he has points on his liscense. That is gonna make his insurance go up and the money is gonna be coming out of his pocket one way or another. Who knows if the DA is going to be a prick and not even want to hear that he has to say. If you bring up the school/work thing then you will most likely end up with a conditional liscense and those are the only 2 places he will be allowed to drive to.

With speed contest written on the ticket I’d say that is a pretty safe bet. You’ve got two choices.

A.) Get a lawyer and get the consequences reduced as much as possible.

B.) Go it alone and hope they take pity. Anything that boils down to your word vs. cop’s word (like that the cop couldn’t have radar’d you where he did) will be useless to you. Pretty much the only thing you’ll be able to say on your own is “I’m sorry.”

I’d bet that it would financially be a wash betwen lawyer’s fees and fines if you go alone, so I’d show up with a lawyer and try to minimize the legal consequences.

i hope u loose your liscense its people like you who give the rest of the automotive enthusiasts a bad name