Need Help Tuning

shutup John. :slight_smile:

actually reeds are perfectly fine, he pulled them and showed them to me, im glad i didnt spend 150-300 on reeds when its possibly a 20 dollar crank seal.

I’m not gonna diagnose shit over the internet anymore. Reeds would’ve been my first guess. I dunno shit bout how some crank seal would do it?

Glad you got it worked out though!

Edit: Fuck I’m having a rough week over here… anyone wanna buy a lift, clearly I shouldn’t have it. LOL.

again, like i said before, i gave my thoughts on what was wrong form what i observed in the time that i had. and no i wasn’t saying to just go out and buy a set of reeds and toss them in and see what happens, they are just the next thing that i would have looked at and would be visually easy to see if there was something wrong and the diagnosis could continue form there.

this is the kind of shit that really makes me want to donate my time to help someone out that i dont even personally know. Ive never had a problem with it before, but when your looked down upon and shit on from people that have never even seen the sled, it makes me just want to tell anyone to just prepare for the ass rapeing and take it to the fucking dealer.

well i def would’ve pulled em out and looked before continueing as well, i don’t think anyone on here is THAT dumb!

meh, fuck it, who am I kiddin, I can’t fix nothin!

^ Stick to joose Wayne!

If the seal leaks, the crank case doesnt build pressure up like it should and the cyclinder ports wont suck as much as they should. two strokes rely on pressure to run right.

Little RC car motors are notorious for this too, the bearing seals leak a tiny bit or the o ring around the carb leaks and your fucked… it will never get or hold a tune.

i still havent heard back from my buddies dad, its been a couple of days since he said he thought it was the crank seal. I almost bought reeds too! i just figured me and ryan had tried everything else so thats what it had to be…but ill post once i get the word.

Huh! Never knew that, I don’t fuck with no 2 strokes unless they are Detroits! lol. I’m just always around when my buddy is fixing his and his was acting the same way and it needed reeds.
