need job STILL

looks like your hunting for small boys.

I’m sure some farmer could use a scarecrow

lol seriously i guess i did think it was creepy at first glance…

thought he fit more of the quiet murderer kid

but that’s usually perfect for a dishwasher or stockboy

you would fit right in at the warehouse i worked at

If I absolutely couldn’t find a job,I would sign up with a temp agency.They WILL find you a job.

Adecco is on Walden,try SPS temporaries too.

/Job Thread

Wish we had another opening here for a shipping clerk, but lack of work restrains us from doing anything.

edit also who would hire a kid who talks like a cave man? just look at the thread title.

Don’t they need people to test dangerous new drugs?

ok you need to gtfo my thread

haha. Yea i’d try a temp service for the time being

great advice… when I decided that I didn’t want to cook anymore, I went to a temp agency and was @ work in a factory the next day

delta sonic

o yeah and lasertron!

ive tried all 3 local locations i even have friends that work there and still nothing

Can you get SSD for incompetence? If so I think you have a shot.

ok you need to “gtfoff” the board and look for a job, and stop bitching about it here.

valvolines gonna be hiring soon after i quit and go to advance


you didnt happen to edit my post qhile quoting me did you?

Maybe he is big into anal and is taking the next step lol. jk