Need some help

Hopefully no more than .5mm over required in the forseen future…

Paging slowassmarro, thanks for the phone call chat during the one lap. Should have placed that bet :wink: :lol

I see what you did there…

Dom if you need help with this thing I’ll be around after Thursday night since school is done and such, so don’t hesitate to ask.

i feel like you’ve been taking finals for the past month LOL

I have dude!!! :rofl
First final project was May 3rd/4th, first final exam was May 6th.
MAKE IT END!!! I’ve had enough!

omg i’d go nuts.

i’ve only got 2 finals.

That’s what I’m finally down to, one Tuesday, one Thursday. Tuesday one I need to do well on (Calc, idk why its such a weak subject when I can make sense of it in engineering shit) and Thursday is Fundamentals in Flight (my Aero class). If I don’t get an A in that Im’a be pissed, since the final is open book lol

What classes do you have left for finals?


i know right lololol …jr,s tune and a whoopin got the best of this one


Anyone who is looking at buying a car that has any sort of modification is an idiot if he truely belives when he is told the car “wasnt beat on”

Leaving this in the “performance” category, any “performance” type vehicle or sports car was probably beat on by its previous owner or some d-bag during a test drive. The difference being whether or not the car was beat on and taken care of, or just had the ever living piss beat out of it without a care in the world.

I beat the shit out of my Z, I beat the shit out of my G20… but I took good care of both cars.

Wayne beats on his cobra like he said, but he does it responsibly, he doesnt just run it into the ground until something broken.

Given the current running condition and remaining compression on cyl 4 it may be a decnt candidate for 99.5mm forged pistons. If not I can get standard 100mm over bores. But this is all hypothetical until the car comes back to get worked on

Shady you are way late to the for sale bashing party.

Actually, she hasn’t only by me:lol

from 5-3-10


I would like to see this magical compression gauge that has an x-ray machine built in.

the subarus/ej257s if a cylinder is down on compression its 9 times out of 10 a ringland issue

Yeah man, it prolly is, just never know though. Seen some crazy shit as I’m sure you have.

Do you want an award now?

Considering every ej257 I’ve seen/worked on/heard off with low comp on cyl 4 with stock pistons has had a cracked ringland, I don’t really need a magical xray compression tester to assume the problem. So relax.

you know, since you mentioned it id love for you to provide an award