Need Vacation Ideas


Fly to an island, sleep on the beech.
Cayman Islands


i’d do this if i dind’t have to pony up rent to your dumbass. :rubicant:


um bump for pat…

I was just looking into a short vaca for ape & I, and i’m looking through You can do quite a few different things for ~450 - 700 /person (airfare, hotel, etc).

Quick example, cause corey likes Disney (right?):

Buffalo to Orlando 8/22/2007 - 8/26/2007, 2 adults
$666 per person ($1,331 total) includes flight, hotel (4 nights), taxes and also includes and a 3-day Ticket terms & conditions


1st day:London,ON
2nd day: Detroit,MI
3,4,5 days: Chicago,IL
6th day: Cleveland,OH

cheap and fun
and you get to visit 2 countries and 6 states

it’s obvious myrtle beach

hilton plantation is ok

Sea watch is best.


it’s obvious myrtle beach

hilton plantation is ok

Sea watch is best.


i stayed at the plantation…it’s pretty nice with the pool/gym/walking paths/ ocean right there. i def would recommend that to anyone for a cheap vaca. we stayed in a condo right by the water.


+1 to cruise, I did the 4night bahamas last year it was awesome as hell! tons of fun, lotsa booze, lot of sun.


i am doing that this january…320 for the whole thing +alcohol


its beautiful this time of year

when i was a kid we used to go there every summer… the tide goes so far in and out so fast… at low tide there would be tide pools where there would be fish and crabs just hanging out. buy a skimboard, shread up the beach at low tide. dig for clams and make clam chowder!!

ugghhhh i want to go back so bad… i havent been in years.

Martha’s Vineyard.





and no… that is not the place to go and just sleep on the beach especially the south shore