Neon Driver Charged - You know him! With Pic

he does not deserve the manslaughter or homicide charges. But he does deserve a little jail time out of this, and will end up owing some family a lot of $ out of this. He made the choice to race, he is part responsible.

I got called up for jury duty on 7/7. I hope to God it’s this case.

Street racing on a surface street while on an ACD from a street racing charge. If only being really fucking stupid was illegal…

this site’s traffic would be alot slower


the analogy doesnt fit, in my opinion.

what if i decide to rob a liquor store with another guy, we both have guns, and his accidentally goes off in his pocket, hits an artery, he bleeds out an dies. am i to be tried for manslaughter??? that is much more analagous to this situation.

BOTTOM LINE: an accident occured during the commission of a crime.

Here I’ll play lawyer too! Just last month 2 kids involved in a street race that resulted in death were convicted of misdemeanors, had to pay fines, and work 100 hours of community service. Precedence!

Just last month, he concluded a case in which a boy was killed as the result of two cars racing down Town Line Road in Lancaster last July.

West Seneca resident Joseph Ciancio, 14, was killed on Town Line Road when the driver of the car he was in, Donald Reinard, 18, of Akron, skidded off the road after missing a curve, struck a tree and flipped over.

Ciancio was on his way home after picking up the latest Harry Potter book. On the return trip, Reinard and Ciancio’s cousin, who was driving another car, decided to race each other back.

To spare the families involved more grief, Montour said, the two drivers were allowed to plead guilty to misdemeanors. They paid the maximum fines and were each given one year probation and 100 hours of community service — half of which must be spent speaking to students about the dangers of street racing.

I don’t know if this was brought up yet in here… but…
Seems like the system just wants to make an example out of this guy.

Maybe they’re hoping for…::

person1, “Hey dude, that guy next to us wants to race!”

person2, “Yea, but remember what happened to that neon kid when mustang guy raced him, screwed up, crashed and died? They locked neon kid up for 10 years on manslaughter charges!!”

person1, “Oh yea… that was messed up… forget it, he’s not worth it.”

Lets race: If someone dies, don’t stop to help or even think about talking about it ever, don’t have any feelings or compassion and you will be fine.

Thats what I am getting out of all this…

It’s not like your buddy turned him self in after this happened…

it baffles me that this kid is getting charged with the death of the other two people. if the dbag in the mustang wasnt tryin to show off for his barbie doll in the passager seat both of them(the drivers) probly wouldnt even be in trouble. but the dick wanted to show off with his girl in the car n decided to race a pooh ass neon. if anything, if i was the parents of the girl i would go after her bf’s family because after all he killed their daughter

Seems like some more speculation on what happened…

Go drift on some more public roads while you’re at it…

You want to throw a cruise for a retarded street racer who hasn’t learned his lesson???

Ciancio was on his way home after picking up the latest Harry Potter book.


Rather than formulate a reasonable response to that idea, I think I’ll just mash the keyboard.


Its funny UBRF/NYSpeed were built on street racing…

I mean come on even Howie street raced 716 members on Furnham blvd with his Jeep…and won… :lol:

A lot of harsh replies from people who I know have fucked around on the street at least once…

I knew that name sounded familiar. I went to school with him. Only talked to him a couple times…never really knew him.

I street raced once, Got a massive ticket and a giant fine.

I learned not to street race in really slow fucking cars, and that its stupid to do at 3AM on a residential street since the only people out are cops.

Since then I havent raced becuase i havent had a car worth racing.

But I digress.

And to follow frys footsteps

ad/fjnhasdgfnawdjl/vasnvnjawio;vnghwuo;vfnvhasvnbvkl;SJ asvnasjvnl;asdjkfjasjkl;cvnvhjsasjkvhasjkl;vj ask;df cmas;dcnv AScfu yopawvnhjlZSJKhf fuqFHIOPQ2UMH DEFUIASDH V9PAWEYFJKLAwdbnm owig;awilp kl;zsiopwfh lawuifn iopaweu awiopiopawufmu ashwnf awuildfmh whvawejbnf awh fjkl;awhvnjklasdhvsdjkNgfvjkl; asdnvasjl;vhnawl;vj ;asjlasjfng;sjkdnhvfasl’; DJKgfna[suofnhasjl’cjvasdkl;hvuiopfhuopwfhuajl;wdhjvawdjofh;sjkDh fbpawnvgfl;ASKVFASDnvfakl;whjvjazvjawvnjawjvfnaw’

haha, I remember that. Those were the days. That jeep whooped up on my buddys SI.