New dude from the Roc

Name’s Rich, some here probably know me from Roclife. I drive a 2008 G8 GT with a New Era over-the-radiator intake, NEP tune, and a custom cat back consisting of an x-pipe in place of the factory resonators and some cheap-o Thrush mufflers because I didnt feel like forking over 800 bucks for a brand name catback. Ran a best of 13.0@107 on a 1.98 60’, and runs consistent 13.2-3’s @ 106. Like to do a cam and headers at some point within a few years to get me consistent 12’s, but we’ll see. For now its my only car, and I cant complain about it for a year round driver. Handles snow like its nothing with some good snow tires on it, fuck fwd and awd is what I say.

Heres some pics of the car, the dyno run/tune, and the time slip :slight_smile:

And I guess I might as well throw this in. Took the car to FL a few weeks ago to see my grandparents, and apparently it took in water at some point and hydrolocked the day after we got there. Went to leave for dinner on Thursday July 2nd (we got there on the 1st) and pulled out of the driveway, and all of the sudden it started knocking. Have no idea how, as the last time we drove in rain was going through Ohio and the car made it just fine, even raced a few cars on the way down. It sat through some heavy rain in the driveway that day, but we didnt drive it, so I cant see how water would leak through the hood and collect somewhere that it could be sucked in through the intake. Anways, took it to a dealer thinking it was gonna be a warranty issue, and they claim to have found a puddle of water in the intake plenum, so Geico is covering it under comprehensive. I think its fucking bullshit because the car made it like 800 miles after we hit rain, and I turned it off numerous times during the trip and it was fine, so who knows what really happened or how. Anyways, the dealer got the OK from Geico to replace all the broken parts in the cylinder that took water (#7) and keep everything else in there. Wasnt too happy with that, but what ya gonna do. Total repair bill came to $4400, so thank God I have comprehensive on it lol. The work is all done and my grandpa, who lives in FL, is currently driving it around right now making sure its ok, and Im flying back down next Friday to pick it up and drive it home. Here are some pics of the damage. Yes, GM calls for the ENTIRE SUBFRAME to be lowered :frowning: With so much room up top you would think they could pull it from the top, but I guess not. 14 fucking hours to just drop the assembly and take apart the motor (edited) :frowning: I miss the hell out of the car right now, I cant wait to get it back in to my hands.

Welcome.Nice whip

Nice to see you over here Rich.

14 hours to drop the subframe? what a crock of shit. anyways nice car. we do the same thing on our fbodies and it takes a maximum of 2 hours.

what did you do??!!

No, 14 hours for the complete drop and disassembly, sorry, I kinda misworded that statement before! Although now that I think about it, I think it was 14 hours including a complete disassembly, if I remember correctly the service manager said ~5-6 hours was cut out by not having to tear down the entire motor. Who knows, being 1400 miles away and not being able to go to the dealership for daily checkups and only doing shit via phone has kinda left me hanging on a few details :frowning:

Please read lol :wink:

Please read lol :wink:

Welcome!! Nice ride and that is a tough break.

Do you still have the stock one lol? That’s some wicked carnage, maybe time for an intake redesign? :meh:


i see i see. either way i love your ride. hopefully i can get one next after the TL lease is up.

Yeah I still have the stock airbox, but I cant possibly see how the intake was the cause of this. Mike doesnt think it is, nor does anyone else in the G8 community who has commented on this. There are dozens of these intakes around the country, and I would be the first one known to have any sort of problem with water ingestion. It seems to be the only explanation, but its one that doesnt completely add up. And as I said, the last time I hit rain was 800 miles before we arrived in FL, and the car made it just fine. Hell I went WOT a handful of times after the rain and it was ok.

I’ve pondering the idea of getting a C5, I was thinking about trying to find one this summer but if I dont, mine just might be for sale next year :wink:

welcome :wave:

puddle of water, or maybe a puddle of coolant that gm didnt want to acknowledge?

his name is rich…and he’s gay.:mamoru:

Nothing personal against New Era but if I were you, I’d still put the stock intake back on. I mean, your car hydrolocked for crying out loud and your using a prototype intake. Is it really worth the risk again? I’m surprised your insurance covered this without a problem.

Well insurance covered it this time, and they told me that if this same thing happens again and that intake is on it, they wont cover it. So Im glad I kept the stock airbox lol. I’ll continue rockin the NEP intake, just because the car is a completely different animal with it and sounds so good. Who knows, maybe there was a gap somewhere that allowed water in that just needs to be tightened up. As I said, nobody else has had a problem with this intake (I wouldnt call it prototype at this point), and think of this; how many other cars with direct front induction do you see getting hydrolocked? You have how many Trans Ams with Ram Air rolling around that havent had a problem? I think this instance was a fluke, something that I do not and probably will not ever have an explanation for :frowning:

And I’m assuming gsxr141 = old man Kevin, in which case I should let everyone know he’s the one whos calling and texting me to go out on a man date to see F&F at the dollar theater, that cheap son of a bitch :lol:

i only told them you were gay. now they know you’re a liar too. :slight_smile:

Prototype intake? It’s a very common and popular item they have been selling for a while now.