its gatta be that krazy ///M powa
I’ll just keep watching the news for the pile up report. too many people can’t drive.
I’m pretty sure they don’t have a 5mph posted speed limit there to piss everyone off. I think it could possibly be that the lanes are rather narrow, so when the toll booth worker walks in front of you, you have ample time to stop. It’s not NYS trying to fuck you by making you speed through and give you a fine, it’s for the safety of the toll workers. I know I’d rather take the extra 2 seconds to slow to 5-8mph so incase a worker walks out I can stop, as opposed to speeding through and hitting someone. I don’t want injury/death on my conscience.
Or worse, like when the retards stop in it to wait for the green… Where the hell does it say stop? It makes me want to get out of my car and punch them in the face…
Also why cant they just make it like the ETR in Toronto… That set up is way better…
i remmeber those… and thats what it looks like in jousey…
again NYC and HJ have underground tunnels for the workers to walk through instead of crossing lanes…as u know in Buffalo our Toll workers cross lanes so they must reduce the speed limit
it all depends on the design
^ fast easy pass ^ several slow ez pass lanes
in the fast lanes, employees dont go over there. above the lanes are"super" sensors that pick up on the ez pass thinggies
yes but i am justifying the 5mph limit…also most EZ lanes can handle 20 mph passes thu them…so i am told from a person who works for EZ Pass
wordd… i don’t even think they could allow more than 20 mph through the lanes w/o people killing each other
Where is that picture of the two retards who crashed into each other in the Black Rock EZ Pass lane? That’s probably what will happen again.
its the SUPER sensors that make everything work!!
lol, i loled when i originally read that
its a super “thingie” thank you very much
even nys encourages roll racing
One thing that I love about down here in FL is the E-PASS system. We have the normal lanes where you can go 35 through the toll. But when I went to school out by UCF, they had a toll area where you could go 65 and pass through the toll…gotta love awesome technology
this is still so low tech…
in Toronto, the 407 -> the only toll highway there, has no booths, only cameras overhead… so if you have the 407 ETR pass, it works like ezpass… no ETR pass, then the camera captures the picture, sends over to MTO (ontario DMV) and gets your info and sends you a bill (with surcharges though, since no ETR pass, kinda like how ezpass has discounts)…
only drawback: stolen/fake plates, but they have OPP cruising the highway anyway…
and if you think you can speed thru it to avoid the cameras… the camera can capture speed of up to 160km/h (100mph)… so you either have to really boot it, bend your plates, or pop a wheelie to avoid the fees…
weren’t the tolls were supposed to be gone in like 1983? j/w.
fuck ezpass i’ll never use it… even though the sell them in gas stations now lol.
Guess that means i can stay in second gear, yay!
edit : fuck im slow