New EZ-Pass fast lane

hahaha i was just gonna point out that the pictures were already posted before you edited you last post :stuck_out_tongue:

you can use EZ-pass in any lane … I dont see why we need more. Maybe I dont drive in rush hour traffic enough :roll:

Because the NYS thruway and the EZpass system are two different “companies” you’ll never really see a solid effort into making this “easy”. A little planning would make the current set up better as it is, without highspeed lanes.

He’re a thought, keep ALL Tractor trailers in the right most 2 lanes, no if and or buts about it.


could not agree more!!! NOTHING pisses me off more in the morning going to work then when a semi decides to cut everyone off at the lackawanna tolls to get in the left EZ-Pass lane! and why the fuck are there 3 EZ-Pass lanes at lackawanna east yet only 1 on the west direction!?!?! fucking retarded!

Well on the way home today coming from the base, the Grand Island bridge now has the “fast lane” set up now…20 MPH…better than fucking 5…Has anyone else seen the “Fast Lane” setup yet?

in florida the “ez pass” toll lanes dont have a speed limit

cool so now our tool money can go to however many millions this will cost. better raise the rates again. DIAF NYS.

I fucking hate tolls. That is all.

Hmm… if the tolls come down all this would’ve ended up being pointless right?

THINK OF HOW MUCH MONEY IT WOULD SAVE US IF THEY DIDNT HAVE TO PAY 10 TOLL BOOTH WORKERS… basically they should require residents to have EZ pass and tolls would decrease… theoretically

nah, they would go up… don’t forget, we are in WNY.