new from schenectady

Let me give you a fair warning. I grew up with cops, infact one of you had the pleasure of dealing with while at APD. I know judges, DA’s lawyers, inspectors in CPD, DA’s in sch and CPD. I, we here at shift have put kids behind bars, infact i testified less than a month ago and hes locked up for 1-3. Dont believe me look up Anthony Bruschi of your fine town of schenectady. infact you might actually know him your about the same age!!!


In fact you broke a very recent law my friend. look up cyber harassment laws NY. Now go back and look at what you already typed out and we quoted. And before you get slick and put your `17 year old intelligence back to work and try to edit it with a little “.” where that are posted, all edits are logged, and can and HAVE BEEN subpoenaed for use in court.
