new from schenectady

M-dawg’s right, the continuation frequency for thread epic-ness has fallen faster than ENRON’s stock price

said s4 may or may not STILL BE BEHIND COLLISION EXPERTS with said wheels

might be in the back corner behind the shop
:popc:just saying…

Is our friendship on again?

so im looking out the window now and I see a 05 lambo, 07 porsche that sadly has a flat tire, and a '11 G3SEVEN

chyaaaa boiiiiiiii my imaginary beater is worth more than your imaginary beater

this thread needs some boxxy

4chan got over Boxxy a long time ago, good sir.

my imaginary beater is a noble m600

(top speed episode of it:

We need boxxy to post on shift_518.

Just sayin’

Can I just interject here real quick, please? just two quick things
1- Can we please make this forum private?
and 2-Can you guys not blame the Audi in question? It had nothing to do with what happened.
Thank you, carry on.

If you listen to SNSD you are truly a faggot.

Said by a gay man himself. Plus rep xweaction

I’ll snipe the shit out of you with my fathers .50 cal you piece of shxt

I lol’d!!

Cool story bro.

This thread has made my head hurt.

What the fuck is up with kids these days? Fucking liberals and progressives making all the kids pussies and letting them get away with whatever they please…


I dont know why I have to relay this message from CJ to you guys on shift… pretty much everyone in the forum…

I’m getting out of this now after posting this, because I’m 99% sure he doesnt mean what he is saying, but it seems like he has some buddies that are misleading and misguiding him, so i’ll do as he asked me to do and leave you guys this :

Dave Singh January 21 at 12:29am
who was in the car with you that night ?

Cj Kaehler January 22 at 12:19am Report
who was in the car? people that noone in their right mind would fuck with… you better tell those kids they got whats comin to em

Dave Singh January 22 at 2:24am
Alright ill relay the message

Cj Kaehler January 22 at 2:34am Report
no, your not gunna rely the fucking message. i asked you politely to take it down and now you gotta be a fucking fagget. fuck you, you fagget mother fucker i will run you into the ground.

Dave Singh January 22 at 2:38am
CJ, I cant delete the thread it was already out of control, you want to put me on your bad side also ?

Let me know what you want to do, I’ve never had an issue with ya, and while I think your actions and decisions the night of that accident were no where near the correct ones… it doesnt really change the fact that im still cool with, but you cant expect me to defend you in a situation where you are expected to man up.

If it was me in your situation I would probably be shitting my pants too, and I know its not easy trying to man up, but the LAST thing you want to do is make it worse… I know you didnt really mean to call me a faggot mother fucker and I understand impluse reactions, so I’ll let you think it over for a while and get back to me

Cj Kaehler January 22 at 2:45am Report
its over, for anyone that said shit, its over for them. i mean ANYBODY. so think about that and think how you made the situation worse. then ask yourself, do i really wanna be on cj’s bad side. answer- no, you fucking do not, FUCK WITH, ME TELL ALL YOUR FUCKING FREINDS THEY FUCKED UP… THEY FUCKED UP SO FUCKING BAD!

So hes off the hanger right now and like I said above, I cant take no threats serious unless he continues to act that way towards me for at least 24 hours, by then if he still is talking the same I’ll know its on for real and there is no excuse “i wasnt thinking clearly”



In all seriousness I do think he is making idle threats that will never be carried out.

to clear things up. idk who that 2.7 fury guy is but its not me. i apologize to everyone for my actions i was wrong.


A little bipolar?