New GT5 Trailer

Yes, another one lol.

and yet another yawn from me as i continuously play forza 3, you know, the game that exists? :smiley:

Looks pretty good actually.

Does it really have night racing? That’s the only thing I wish Forza had.

Theres no doubt this will be the best driving simulator out… if it comes out

irrelevant video, this game does not exist.

Great find! Thanks!

Still waiting…

And GT has had night levels since the first one.

I know, which is the only one I’ve played. I didn’t know they still had them, and to my knowledge Forza never did.

Night levels rock with flip up head light cars :lol

Where as Tokyo Racer, thats all it is, night time on the highways…

Good find chuckles

wow all that and still no tire marks. this game sucks more dick than stacey sutter…

Forza 5>>> GT5… they’ll come out at the same time.

The only release more ridiculous than GT5 is Detox.

Looks good, for sure. Too bad it’ll never make it to store shelves :rofl

no guys a friend of a friend of a guy i met once’s cousin’s sisters’s uncles step fathers brothers friend of a friend said it would be out soon… SO THERE!!

Thats cool. Im a beta tester.

what was the original release supposed to be?