So i registered my hatch today at the DMV and paid $2.50 tax. The lady at the counter said I was lucky that I did this before new years. She explained that cars that are 20 yrs or older will need to be appraised before you register it. So all you who are planning on getting old 89 S13 hatch, get them now or find a 90+
not a big problem… it costs $40 to get it appraised if you know the right people.
I won’t put up shop names but they’re out there, just had one done.
appraised for what purpose?
link to legislation?
appraised for proper documentation probably. maybe they have finally caught on to people saying they bought cars for little to no money and paying no taxes on them. probably gonna tax you on how much it was appraised for
this isnt new
“For passenger and light commercial vehicles (2,200 kilograms and under empty weight) 20 years or older, the retail sales tax is payable on the purchase price, replacement value for insurance purposes, or appraised value, whichever is more.”
exactly, after 15 years they don’t keep a wholesale/retail value for the car for taxation purposes. When I bought my old fastback I paid tax based on the “$100” I paid for it. There was no other value listed so I got away with it.
When I bought the Cressida I had to get it appraised. It was appraised but the value was lower than my bill of sale so I paid tax on the higher value.
All they want is to make sure people aren’t cheating tax.
This isint new(as stated above), just be smart. If you got your car for 1k , just tell them you got it for 500, show proof of documentation, get taxed on the amount the car was worth (500$ in this case). And call it a day.
I had to get my 1981 Monte Carlo appraised when I got it back in 2001.
uhhh… whats the Percentage that they tax you anyway? i wonder if they have a book value for a 72 240z? . if not…then im taking it in before i restore it and saying it bought it for $35.
^ 8%, take with you a written “Bill of Sale”, They didn’t ask for mine but take one just incase.
dude, this isn’t a new law. All cars +20 years need appraisal.
lots of sketchy car dealership will do it for you.
saved thousands less in taxs
usually they will write down interior and exterior needs to be restored, suspension worn etc. Any licensed dealer can do this.
i already had to get my 20+ car appraised
this is not i repeat NOT a new rule i had to do it last year and this year for winter cars
done this twice already. the guy did not even want to see the car to fill out the form. did not want to see the bill of sale either, just asked me how much do you want to say you paid for the car lol. total bs.