NEW Monday night ICE HOCKEY 10pm Riverside

its all good man. we’re all out there to have fun. Show up and get dressed. if you feel the level of play is too far above your head, play a shift or two and go home. You don’t have to pay if you don’t play.

Had a GREAT turnout yesterday. shitload of skaters. It was awesome, I got a great workout the whole time. I’d like more skates like this!! So many hot 2-0’s and breakaways, I had a blast. sooo tired though. forwards are lucky, they can take shifts. I was getting bombarded with shots the whole time! (I was the one in the blue and grey pads, for those who dont know. since the other goalie and i were wearing the same team’s jersey (we played for the same high school))

If we get enough people, we can always option to get an hour and a half. There was some miscommunication between the guy who runs the rink and the guy who closes it, but I just called and cleared it up, so the hour and a half option is there for us whenever we want to take it.

chevychase you’re welcome to come out, but I’d appreciate it if you left your controversial views at home. We have a couple black guys that skate with us, and I don’t want them to be offended or put down.

dre was forced to make a lot o saves.

i was playng D on that team. but its kinda hard to play real defense ini a no hitting league.

i think some light checking should be allowed so that i can step up on 1-on-1’a and 2-on-1’s and stop plays

ya I was so tired by the end, but def worth it. I couldn’t believe I held up for that long

if you guys wanted to start getting a little physical, it would have to be agreed upon bt everyone. I think maybe just using the body a little to push people out on 1-1 or 2-1 or 3-2’s.

but to be honest I think effective D can be played in this skate without checking. if you (any defensemen) plays the man right, he can remain tight on the man but still taking the inside, hence pushing the man outside, and being effective on defense.

I think the real difference that physical play would bring;
when the man does get around the defense, (the d would have been skating backwards) in physical hockey the d can switch to backchecking while skating forward to “catch up,” and play the body to push the man out

basically, I’m just saying effective defense can be played without checking, by forcing the man out when the d is skating backwards. it’s ok to be on the man and get up against them without hitting them. I think effective d can push the man outside without letting them get around them on the outside.

I think the real difficulty in this skate is people aren’t playing their positions. We’ve got defensemen who skate the puck up, but the wingers on their side don’t drop back to compensate. D isn’t spread out like it should be (both in terms of being back behind the offensive front man, and also side to side when on the blue line in their zone. Also D needs communication in the defensive zone as to who is going to the corner or behind the net, and who is staying on the man in front)

but none of that is really a big deal, as its just pickup hockey, and i don’t expect people to play like teammates. I actually enjoy when people get by the defensemen (as long as the D is playing their hardest) cause I LOVE facing breakaways, I feel its a strong point of mine, and I always enjoy working on it

I would use the body as the last resort. Stay with the man and force him to the outsides with your motion. Use the stick to poke check, or direct him towards the boards by cutting off the angles. Hitting and contact is a big part of defense, but a check over some good stick work is a last resort.
Then when you are in the corner use body on the man, the big check is rare in a fast game of hockey. Effective Defensive work is all about angles and cutting off his path to the net.

Today is the day! I’m so f’ing tired for some reason. I need to start taping hockey games to get psyched up before hockey if i’ve had a dull day

drink a cup of coffee or sumn man

u gonna call ppl to come again?

cool, im coming,skating at forward. need the exercise.

BTW Dre’ these might help get the blood pumping!!

I’m sooo tired. I don’t think I will show this week.


ill be there

Gametime decision. sore groin, broken thumb, maybe.


gonna be there. as a forward though.

I’ll be there and I’m bringing my friend too…

cool, maybe later can someone crack my back. In the shower?

we’re set, 2 goalies as always, should be a good turnout, def enough for an hour and a half!

For the second goaltender, we’ve got a celebrity tonight. All I will say is he has been on national television many many times.

p.s. thanks for those who came out to buff state on wednesday. 1.5 hrs monday and 2 hours wednesday really killed me, my groin feels like spaghetti. but I will play!

i would go.

ill be there even though i feel like shit