New Shop!! Work on Your Own Ride

Well as long as you and the customer believe that your set…

not really.

Before anyone gets into this, check your policy ( personal & auto) for coverage in case of said personal and vehicle accident on/in there property… and ask to see or have their coverage spelled out for you before you sign anything.

Forewarned is forearmed

if we pay 200 a month, can I live there?

why is mommy kicking you out?

I couldnt agree more. This way there is no surprises

Well I just got a few pics last night of our new shop while pressure washing the floors. It’s still empty but we got some goodies in today :wink:

Just a teaser, more coming as we start moving in.

So hows the progress on this shop coming along… i could really use some space to work on my suspension…

+1 I wanna buy coilovers soon, and I’ll need a place to put em on.

If you purchase a space is it possible to work on as many different cars as you want? Aka my car 1 week buddys car next 2 weeks if we pay for a month?

so judging from the space, 2 cars will be able to pull out, and 8 blocked in?

are you taking keys (or unlocked for nuetral push?) is there room in a centre isle to parrallel pull in/out?

im begining to think that this shop was a flop!
good luck next time!

^^ i know eh, if i was him i would be keeping ppl in the know wit the shop!!
like me!!

Sry guys, I didnt realize the thread was still up. The shop is up and running and things are great. We have 2 spots available. PM me if your interested or have questions.


No. If your using the space for business, its a totaly different story.

Some of the cars are long term projects and are on jack stands. They are not at the front of the shop. They are in the middle and the back along with my spot. The ‘rental’ spots are at the front so you can drive staraight in and out. We also have car daulys so nothing is ever blocked. So no need to leave your keys behind! The shop is 40’ wide, making moving cars around pretty easy.

sounds good

is there cameras… i dont know what i would do if i just had my ride painted and came in one day to find like a 3" scratch with out any evidence as to who did it…

just a liability thing…

yeah, how much is it to rent monthly or weekly, my friend is looking for a place to work on his GTR.

Rent is $275 per month, or $100 a week.

That gives you your own bay, complete with industrial storage racking. You can put anything on it you want including heavy parts like motors and sub frames.

You get a Quick disconnect (M type) for impact and grinding tools.

You get a 120v outlet.

You have free use of the car hoist, engine hoist, tranny jack, ect.

Only one spot left guys. Winter is getting close!

i am sorry but where is this shop? i dont know mssc or the fincher auto building. i would like to come and see it.
