New Top Gear (Hosts: Chris Evans, Chris Harris, etc) *Trailer Added*

I think that number will drop big time. A lot of those people tuned in for the train wreck and now that they’ve seen the train off the rails won’t care anymore.

I liked the part when the German chick comments on the Vette’s suspension, “It is awful, like Ferrari.”. Typical German. :smiley:

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“Pete took off like a drunk puppet.” I giggled at that.

it was almost painful to watch chris evans try to be funny and be jeremy clarkson the whole time. He does not have the delivery skills to make anything funny.

the reliant robins didn’t tip over once… what a bummer

only good part was when sabine called the z06 a piece of shit

the only reason their ratings were higher than old top gear is because the entire world wanted to see what a disaster the show turned into.

okay so these are cool 360 degree in-car videos

could be interesting, based on this little preview, if Chris Harris does his style of video as stand-beside content for the main show:

maybe he’ll be better access to vehicles rather than just on the typical test drives for journalists.

Watched the first episode this past sunday…

I think you’re all being really ghey about this.
Was the old cast better? yes, undoubtedly…
Is the show unwatchable, took me 10 times to get through etc etc like everyone claimed?

nah. was pretty much the exact same show as the 20+ episodes per 20+ seasons over and over and over, barely a difference…parts with cool cars, then some weird task in a car no one cares about that puts you to sleep…same as always.

The numbers are in for epsiode 2… 1.6 million viewer drop off.

And on that bombshell, the internet has found that watching Clarkson, Hammond and May fold DHL boxes is more entertaining than the new Top Gear.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but where can these two episodes be viewed?

See, this is where I disagree, and where real chemistry makes all the difference. Some of my favorite episodes are around just this premise on the old TG.

Episode 2 was much better than the first one. They still have a long way to go before I’d consider it good though.

I have no problem watching it. BBC decided to keep TG alive even if not with the original cast. This is providing us with a car show. I will not complain about that. I see people making remarks about the casts chemistry. Of course there is no chemistry, they just started as a group and never worked with one another to build a bond with each other. It takes time. How many seasons did it take to get where we had TG before they left. Comparing a 20+ season show to 2 episodes of completely new people is clearly going to make the show/cast seem bad.

^ They’ve never going to build chemistry with the new formula of two shitty hosts + a different “celebrity” 3rd host each episode.

My assumption is that they are trying to find the correct 3rd to place with them and will take a season or 2. As for Matt, I found him funny and a great person for the show. Chris Evans… I could see going with someone else. Can’t hate on his passion for cars though.

Joey wins

Chris Evans resigns after 1 season

I’m voting for Jay Kay to replace him.

I have 2 that auto downloaded that I haven’t bothered to watch. Seriously considering just canceling it from my downloader.

I have quite a flare for the obvious so I noticed when I read this post that TG is GT backwards. Coincidence? I think not.

Chris Harris set to have his own show on BBC…premieres next week.

Everyone is talking about Evans quitting, but no one mentioned the ratings…

… the final episode of the current season of Top Gear aired on BBC2 on Sunday, which reached an average of just 1.9 million viewers. While that overnight figure does not yet include views on iPlayer or outside the UK, it still marks the lowest ever rating for the modern version of the show.

Evans is bailing from the sinking ship because he doesn’t want to be forever known as the guy that was at the helm as the main presenter when Top Gear was canceled. That’s where this is heading and if you think giving Joey and his dry teleprompter reading or Chris Harris and his wealth of car knowledge and driving skills combined with zero personality more air time is going to fix it you’re kidding yourself. Chris Harris has some appeal with true motorheads but true motorheads will NEVER deliver the kind of ratings Top Gear’s BBC budget demands.

lol joey

I still haven’t watched any of these. I think I’ll save them to binge watch in the fall.