New Year's resolutions for 2012

I want to say my uncle has been there 7-8 years…maybe a FEW more if that, and what he told me he made for 1 day was more the Paul makes in a week ( hell, it was almost what I made in a week)

From what I’ve seen and heard, if you want to make a ton of money, Conductor is where it’s at. Crazy hours and work schedule though from what I got from the hiring session I got picked for for a Conductor job and from what I’ve heard from Jay and a guy I work with(who’s father is a conductor). What I like about my job is like Jay also said, are the fixed hours. While it’s not the highest paying job on the railroad, the money is there with OT and new Union contracts every few years. If you don’t mind putting in the time/work(i.e giving up your weekend for OT, working later than 3P on some days) you can make a ton of money.
A few guys I work with had 500-600+hrs overtime or something crazy for 2011 and they made somewhere from $70k-$75k, and that’s at 95% pay(you don’t reach 100% until a certain amount of time working there, for my job anyway. I’m not sure about others). This is also before the new Union contract that got passed for my job which is effective as of Jan. 1st and will be I think $30-$35 more a day which is like $5-$6/hr more.
I like my job now, but I plan on possibly bidding into another job/department down the road in a few years.

Sounds like he’s a conductor maybe? The guy I work with who’s father is a conductor, not sure how long he’s been there, but he makes over $100k/yr from what I was told. They make BANK. I know yard master’s make a ton too.

I only see track worker for the bronx and quebec

It’s not just CSX that’s hiring. All the railroads are hiring right now. Most of the jobs don’t require a college degree either.

Can’t be a yard master unless you’ve got some type of railroad experience.

What others are around here? CP rail? is there anything else?

Amtrak, Norfolk southern

He worked for Amtrak i believe at some point too. He also used to be a cop and retired. Jrubino I’m gonna pm you his name just to see if ya know him, see how small of a world it is

Adding to my list, Clean my act up and be able to pass a drug test. I want to get myself into a better job, but with the amount of weed i smoke it limits the hell out of my options.

If your saying your considering the rail road and do drugs I would wait at least 6-12 months before I applied. They do a hair follicle test. I’m by no means an expert in how long thc stays in your pores but I certainly wouldn’t risk it.

I was more or less just talking in general. Ive always worked in restaurants so its been a non issue so far, but as Im looking at it I’m restricting myself with looking for jobs that are non drug testing places, where itd just be easier to just quit and be able to apply for any job

my job doesnt drug test at all. People take weed breaks throughout the day and buy, sell, trade and take pills all the time.

Cool bro

Its kind of ridiculous really

$15hr+weed sales=profit?


I wish I made $15 an hour but I really dont want to sell weed. At my work pills seem to be where the money is because thats mainly whats bought and sold. Most of the people smoke dirt shit weed.


$15hr+pill sales=profit?

Just applied to csx for a conductor and a signal worker position