Nikuk a pos?

nice inb4lck

because I typed those words?

I never called anyone any of them, i just said them.

i also had not called any1 one…

until this thread atleast lol

yea, thats gonna change anything.

I didn’t know there were people this… smart… that even knew how to turn on a computer

Haha, I had to re-read your post just to understand it, kind of. Don’t go mocking anyones education there, boy, when yours isn’t in check itself.

its been a half hour and hes still not banned…mods are slacking again

and JUST to add something.
I love these racial debates.
I would NEVER, but:
It’s okay for a few black guys to call me “white boy” or “cracker”
BUT, If I were to call them “niggers” shit would hit the fan. Any black people on here care to answer? I just want to know the reason for a double standard.

I apologize you’re so stupid that you’re unable to read something and notice the sarcasm, and understand it.

anyone that would start a thread like this is just plain gay :gotme:

lol @ being the bike know it all.

Hey I’m here for the free speech. According to my friends I along with my friends are a:

African Round Ball Player
Spear Chucker
Slant Eye

and so are you if i feel that is my opinion.

Thus I am always right, because it is my opinion.


Wow, I can’t believe this made it two pages. I thought I wasn’t even gonna get my first post in fast enough before it was locked.

yea, the reason is you’re too big a fucking pussy to say anything and stick up for yourself when they disrespectfully call u a cracker.

I don’t have those problems and have a good amount of colored friends.

I was gonna post before about how obvious you make it that you’re definitely the kind of kid that gets no fucking respect from anyone in his area, and that just proves it.

Nikuk is a pos, he took my sig :frowning:

lol unreal every1 else can say nigger and many others but i say it i get banned… that is my anger with the modsss

No he didnt. Addictedtoboost did. :ohyeah:

lol no mods are on, nick is not at his pc

LoL :tdown:



and Hondaride22 you are just fucking retarded.

Go into the real world and try and say that shit, I work with a lot of black people, and I am positive they would knock you the fuck out if you said that to them.

If your comfortable saying it online, your comfortable saying it in person, and it WILL slip out and youll get raped

In before ban/lock.

whats unreal is everyone that is using that word wouldn’t ever on their best day walk up to a black man and say it. Ive seen people end up in ICU over that word