Ninety1two40's 240sx

Call up my father’s shop, Govel Welding, if you’re looking for some sheets of steel or aluminum.


Thanks I probably will.


Burned out two out of four body bushings what a pain in the ass :lol

Is there any easier way to remove them? I still have to take a drill and wire wheel to clean the small amount of rubber out of the mount holes.

theres a steel collar thats pressed into the subframe that the rubber is actually attached to… Burn the rubber out with an oxy/acetllene torch, then use a sawzall and cut the collar and pull it out…

Yeah I read about the collar but I had a hard time seeing the edge of it. I’ll work on it more in the daylight when so I can see what I’m doing.

If you dont want to sawzall into the subframe by accident… just use a chizzel and hammer and beat it out

I gotz air chisel :ohnoes

Just be careful :tongue

Heres aluminum ones i installed with my friend… Took about 2 hours from pulling the subframe, doing the bushings, all the arms, and re installing

so fresh are you gonna make it to some of our events?

Nice, I should be able to get my bushings and KAAZ in today.

cant wait til the energy bushings come, that way i dont have to fight changing my diff. I can just drop the whole subframe and do it all at once. :slight_smile:

Looks good steve! You doing anything with that quarterpanal this year? :shifty

I don’t know, I want to repaint the car but I don’t want to dump more money into this pile :lol I just want to drive the bish

Spoken like a true nissan owner

Installed the bushings and RUCAs.

I installed the KAAZ into the open diff casing but ended up having some play in the gears, I’m going to pull it back out tomorrow and check the shims.

I should have the car together this weekend if all goes well.


yeah bring the drift brigade rig!! :rofl

*Edit & Steve good seeing progress. If you’re ready in time we’re going back to AIS soon so if you want to practice before Lebanon let us know.

I’ll be at them. the May event is up in the air right now though… and im no longer affiliated with drift brigade

Yeah I should be down to go to AIS :excited

Hey! lol that car hit LVD several times as well as autocross…

So I finished up a bunch of work to the car, but still have some things to work out.

Installed the subframe bushings, coilovers, 300zx front brakes, 5 lug all around and the set of 18" failmax. I dropped the car a bit but I need spacers for the front and a fender roll for the rear to drop it any lower. I’m still running the welded diff until I get the KAAZ shimmed so it doesn’t destroy my gears. The gap between the rear wheels and fenders don’t match up, I’ll have to check that again (about a 1/4" difference) and the drivers side rear is flush with the fender but the pass side sticks out a bit, might need a camber adjustment. I’ll have to get an alignment anyway. The welded makes the car hop around quite a bit and makes a knocking sound in the rear somewhere, I still can’t pin-point where. But overall the car looks pretty good and the Stance coilovers have pretty nice ride.

I’ll get some pics up later today.