Ninety1two40's 240sx

Actually I cant sell it. But if I did I’d probably be firm on $6k.

and I’d probably laugh in your face, rip off your over fenders and throw them in your backyard/sewage swamp.

I’ll give you 5.9k and a couple strokes on the shaft.

^ Thats a hell of a good deal :rofl

Manifold done!

Sunroof done (dusty though):

Megasquirt built:

Currently working on dash panels for switches and fuse panels ect.

Hank from HNH welding is finishing up my intercooler piping, should have it in a day or so.

What is the vaccum nipple for on the computer?

Thats the MAP sensor

car looks awesome in person

Did that panel I cut out for you fit good?

o you have the sweet black case. mine is dumpy silver.

Yeah fit good but was retardedly hard to work with, I ended up getting some Aluminum from work. I’ll save that metal for my cage.

Yeah had to spend the extra on that, looks a bit better since it won’t be hidden behind the dash.

yeah i bought my MS from someone 2nd or 3rd hand, new unbuilt. if i had bought it from DIY i would have gotten the black. luckily mine will be behind my console

Front body harness done (lights/horn):

Dash bar:

Installed with fuse panel (will also hold relays, circuit breakers, and megasquirt):

LOL I knew that shit was gonna suck. 3/16 is pretty fucking thick. LOL

Dude that looks awesome!

dude, that looks fucking sweet!!! gotta see this when its done! buttfuck!1one!11!!

Now there’s a nicely designed setup. Looking nice dude! :thumbup

I’m having a guy from work water-jet my center panel, should be done this week!

Nice work, the dash bar and layout looks great.

Just a test fit, it needs some work and holes drilled for switches but so far so good