No Front Plate Ticket - Approx. Cost?

I know mine has the slp grill there is a different grill cause the kid that bought my car new had both so he could run a front plate :wtf

the only REAL factory SLP grill I know of that they made is the one thats on my car which doesnt have front plate mounting brackets…

one that was made with plate brackets would be news to me.

just because you dont know about it, doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

nevermind they Do make it with a Option to get brackets from SLP…although I havent seen any with front plates

doesnt say the Bracket is a option for the replacement SS grill though…im sure when you order it they will give you a choice

Yeah? and there are ZERO places on my Trans Am’s bumper, and I was NOT drilling into that. but it still has a front plate.

And it looks silly and scrapes everywhere. Youre luck ya havent lost the thing when ya scrape it. Cops could bust your balls of they wanted to about it

It’s on there tight, it’s not going anywhere. It looks silly? Ok, better than paying a front plate ticket that everyone’s bitching about, $100+, no thanks. They couldn’t bust my balls about it because my dad’s buddy who’s the retired chief of police in Colonie said “it’s on there, secure and visable, it’s fine.” As did his other buddy who’s a current Lt. at CPD.

Yeah that does look kinda weird. You should mount the plate so when your headlight pops up the plate flips out just below the headlight, on a hinge thing. Cop pulls you over for no plate… you pop the headlights and ask him WTF he’s talking about!


Down at H2OI in Ocean City they had this thing for the new GTI’s that slides in and out(or maybe it flipped around?) with the press of a button. Pretty cool.


but thats still illegal and a ticket.

the cop told me if its hard to see, its a ticket. Says right on the ticket as well that if the plate is dirty, hard to read or in the wrong location its a fine…

I asked the cop if I could put it in my front window…he said I could, but it will still be a ticket because its not visible enough to read clearly…

WRONG. read above post by me.

I did/…and read mine

All I got out of yours was that it doesnt matter my Dad will get me out of it

Wrong. Mine is visible and not dirty. So tell me why I got hassled zero times in the 1.5 years I’ve had it on and got hassled every time I took it out without it on?

And I find it amusing you always make it a point to say something about MY tickets which are MY business and what happens with them. Something wrong?

I got nailed for having mine in the window. He pulled me over, i was like WTF you can see it cant ya?!? Still wrote me the ticket, so i just stopped having it in my window, more of a red flag that way and never got nailed for no front plate again :lol

exactly what im saying…

Joey just hasnt experienced the real dickhead cop yet…but if he does his dad will get him out of it so its a win win for him I guess

Yeah I actually have, more than once. Dickhead cops may give a ticket, but once you tell the judge how they treated you when giving the ticket, the judge thinks twice…like when an officer used the words fuck, shit and called me an asshole twice, judge wasn’t happy.

Again, something wrong?

god your young yet

just because YOU havent been hassled about it doesnt mean its not illegal.

Law is the law, sooner or later it catches up.

if your tickets are YOUR business dont post any info about all 17 of them on a local forum. Im not the only one who knows about your ticket past.

apparently that officer saw right through the computer screen and told you how it is.

nothings wrong…why you keep assuming so?

Id call ya an asshole too if i pulled ya over :lmao