no more boost thanks to Peakboost

i was driving home yesterday when i noticed an exhaust leak coming from underneath the hood. i gave it some throttle and it didnt build any boost…i figured the wastegate flange cracked again…i was stunned to see this…
manifolds got a lifetime warrenty but i think i voided it beacause its been rewelded before…im waiting for them to email me back with their answer

EDIT: Damn those pics are huge…sorry.

that is absurd. i have the black mamba here if you need it lol

haha, yeah. i was honestly speechless when i popped my hood to find my wastegate wedged between my rad and downpipe. kinda my fault…i had a feeling it was gonna crack again (just not that bad) I should’ve braced it. i dont know what im gonna do…

woah, that’s no good. MAybe time for a custom equal length w/ serious bracing?

YEOWCH. Any pointers anyone can provide for bracing ideas would be much appreciated, since I will likely be in the same boat if I don’t brace.

Wow :eek2:


Send it back!! if they give you shit, threaten to post all over honda-tech.

If it goes that far they will loose Alot of buisness!!!

if they Give you shit contact Boostedjeff on H-T He is a dealer for peakboost he might be able to help you out

First off thats ridiculous!

throw that b*itch on the mamba have jeff weld up a t3 flange on it to hold you over for now if you need

x2 they would shit if that was spread on H-T they do lots O business on there


Ouch. That sucks. Sorry to hear.

did you know your egt temps?

wow! how are your motor mounts? maybe to much engine movement/? any bracing?

Thats exactly why I stick with the log manifolds…ugly but VERY reliable and flow decent enough numbers for a street car.

no…but when i talked to them on the phone they asked the same thing. when i said no then they asked what color the manifold was. i replyed “goldish/bronze” they said “ok good, as long as its not purple or anything”…so i dont think my EGT’s are to blame

motormounts are polyurethane. no bracing. i bought there manifold then built the wastgate dump exactly like the one that comes in their kit. and used the same wastegate as well, 38mm Tial. so its not like i had some crazy or half ass wastegate setup.

awww…that would be great. im waiting for their email back first

Ok…just got his email back…here’s what i wrote to them…

On 9/3/07
I purchased a T3 B18 Ramhorn Manifold off you guys probably a year and a half ago. Well about a year ago it cracked 180 degrees around the wastegate flange (where it meets the collector) and i called you guys to find out what i should do. i was informed that i had to take it off my car and ship it to you. ok, whatever…if thats my only option i guess i could be without a car for a week or so. but then i was told that once you guys received it,. it would take approx. 4 weeks to make a new one since they were on back order/custom made whatever…and to top it off you guys were leaving for SEMA the following day and wouldnt be back until next week (which pushes everything back another week) now i had no idea what i wanted to do about it i was told to call back next week when you get back from sema and we would work something out…now, i was torn between possibly voiding my warrenty or loosing my $250 wastegate. not having my car on the road for over a month wasn’t an option for me so i had a local garage Tig weld the crack to ensure it wouldnt spread any farther or even fall off. Problem solved!, the next day and i was on my way (hence why i never called back) until now, a year later, i noticed a small crack on the same place just where it hasnt been rewelded. i didnt think anything of it and let it go until today, the whole wastegate flange cracked off. i couldnt beleive it…now i have no idea what im gonna do about it…i’ve attached some pictures of the manifold to show you. if you have any questions or need a better angle/picture let me know. Thanks in advanced!!

Here’s PeakBoost’s Email…


If you can send us the manifold, once we receive it we will have a new one out to you within 5 business days.

Send it here:

5740 W San Miguel
Ste. D4
Glendale, AZ 85301
We will ship it back to you UPS ground. If you want it faster you can pay to have it expedited.

make sure you put a note in the box with your name/address and phone number please.



…so it sounds like they’re gonna replace it for free even through its been rewelded? hmm…i hope he actually read everthing i wrote. because i dont want to send it to AZ then get a phone call saying “its been rewelded” sorry…

awesome. ask them if there is something that you can do to prevent that from happening again? any suggestions they may have. tell them you have been very happy with there product and would like to keep using it. but would like to prevent future further mishap.

yeah, i’ll ask. im getting sick and tired of taking that thing on and off.

holy shit never seen that extreme before. glad to hear they are gonna work with ya on the replacement

nice bet that made some noise…melt anything? hope they take it but realize they don’t have to

it sounded like complete shit…it melted my hood release cable but it still works somehow, also covered everything in my engine bay black.

I know :x: