NO PARKING on chippewa is such BULL SH#T

ive gotten 3 of these and beaten them all, im actually 7 for 7 in city parking court, but i work within walking distance. If I had to take time off to go down there, i’d probably say meh, but pretty much any legit sounding excuse will work in city hall.

Tweek, Mark Cloud or other?

also. I beat a parking in a handicapped ticket downtown, simply by taking pictures of said place with said conflicting signs.

bobbi lynn

it’s not fggt ass techno garbage it’s good stuff.

those other DJ names sound like a bunch of fggts.

I was on Chippewa 2 weeks ago… it looks like cops just going from one car to the next all night giving them tickets. It’s crazy

take pics plead not guilty tell judge cop told you people tear them down all the time you got a shot. if there are signs on the street saying you can park there i think they have to be covered up in order to override them

And that’s the end of it? Just like that you’ve given up? Take pictures and get a lawyer, you will win and you could be the guy everyone is thanking for clearing up that mess. Don’t live by “no deed goes unpunished” because the world would fall apart if everyone thought that way.

a lawyer? for <$35? you can beat those on your own like i’ve said.

Yea it sucks. I’ve been working on Chippewa for over 2 years now and I’ve never parked on that street. One side of the street is legal on fridays,then the other side on Saturdays. But, the signs are so hard to read like you said and sometimes theres only one of those paper signs for the entire block.

Why would you want to park on chippewa anyways Newman? You have pretty nice cars in my opinion and I wouldn’t want drunk assholes messing with them. I used to park my civic on delaware away from the crowds and it still got a couple dents and then completely stolen.

My 2¢: The pay lots are better but after 2am the attendants go home and between 2 and 4 is probably the worst time to be unattended downtown. The best lot is on the corner of chippewa and washington. The con is that you have to walk about 2 blocks to the bars (big deal), but the pro’s are it’s only 2 dollars and it is surrounded by a cage and has security guards patrolling all night and camera’s. That’s where I would park if I were you. Unless you want to make another one of these threads:

I just typed a lot more than I meant to but I know a lot of you guys have nice cars and hopefully that’ll help keep them safe.

Stop bitching. Its like parking some side streets in Amherst during the winter. No signs but its a law. Just deal with it and don’t park downtown on those streets.

i allways park over by the police station never had any problems and its only a few blocks walk

The lawyer isn’t just for the ticket, it’s to get the whole damn situation fixed. I swear you people only read the first sentence of peoples posts. Which is good because you won’t see this.

one way or another

just handling the ticket on your own

paying it

whatever - aren’t you above this kinda thread?

it was more about pointing this out so that other people don’t do it.

like a “caution: police checkpoint” thread

but with a bit more bitching.

Here why dont you make this a goal:

  1. find a gire that you will love for the rest of your life.
    2)when you have sex, dont count how many time you do.
    3)dont brag about how many times you do have sex just be happy that you are having sex with one person.

Newman, what time did you get back to your car? I was parked across from you and did not get shit…


<---- looks up, sees the light… nods, proceeds to prepare a sandwich

Not good!!!:ohnoes:



Dude just pay it. I tried fighting the exact ticket last year. I went to court 3 times for it and all they did was reduce it to $10 and ask me if I would stop coming there. I told them that I wanted the law fixed or more signs put up. They said that i would have to come to court again with a lawyer or pay the $10 bones. I paid the $10 bucks…:frowning: I’m a pussy/poor.

It isn’t worth your time. You take a half day, so you’re out 4 hours pay. Thats like $100 in just pay, not to mention gas and parking you’d lose.
