NO PARKING on chippewa is such BULL SH#T

/yelling at cops for writing people tickets at papaya

if the sign is over 100 ft away they throw the ticket out. i know this for a FACT

:rofl: :ugh: :tdown:

lol @ jager.

LOL are you still a virgin?

I ALWAYS see people parked on chippewa. I was down there one night and a cop got a JACKPOT. THere was 20 streetbikes lined up and he wrote every bike a ticket. then, half the tickets blew off the bikes.

What happens in this sort of situation? You get a warrant for not paying the ticket you never knew you had? Shitty.

Best part…

Crunch! Horn blowing, WTF NEWMAN!!! Thats not a parking spot! “See you guys at Thrid Room” Crowd LOLZ, I take off…

I know for a fact the horn happened BEFORE the crunch, as there is no longer a functioning horn after the incident

Well it was still funny how it played out…:rx3:

It happened to me before. It blew off my windsheild though. They called my house saying I owe 120$. and I flipped out and they made me pay the orig. ticket of $40