welp I read this whole thread and mention of any racing events, puly a thread on the legalities of Nitrous on the actual street.
Fshwocar’s statement overules you.
welp I read this whole thread and mention of any racing events, puly a thread on the legalities of Nitrous on the actual street.
Fshwocar’s statement overules you.
yes anthing being trasported in a tank manner is automatically considered a hazmat substance. Hell O2 is concidered a hazmat substance and is subject to the same rules.
I have a couple old hazmat books laying around I will try to find and show anyone that my be interested. I use them on a day to day basis…
edit:compressed air systems for breaks systems and what not usually have safty blow out fetures on them so if somthing happends the seals will blow before the tank explodes. But trasportation tankes do not.
s-10 I’m assuming you are talking about the nitrogen takes used in some airride systems… if so they follow the same rules as the NO2 , Co2 and whatever other systems you are talking about,
hes just swol cause ppl spray their cars and make good numbers but since its not factory it shouldnt be allowed. thats like saying you shouldnt put larger turbos on your dsm cause they didnt come stock with that size
It comes in the focus SVT from the factory…
sorry i ment it comes in the saleen focus not the svt
It does not. It comes with a built motor ready for nitrous, all you have to do is buy the aftermarket kit and install it. And its the saleen, not the SVT.
Yes, thats precisely what I’m referring to. I figured it would be the same since at those pressures its not the gas escaping thats dangerous - Its the shrapnel that it creates. There is also the basic air tank thats not super compressed. I run my tank 135 - 160 psi range like in some utility trucks with engine driven compressors and a large tank in the back for airtools. Then there is also the 3000+ psi nitro bottles. Are they classified the same as the 150 psi systems? Also, maybe you know, but say for example I did want to tote around a 3000 psi nitro tank - is there a way I could get it certified (legal) and maybe have one of those triangle things on my truck? Or is it a situation where I just throw the appropriate triangle on it’s good to go? (Like the orange triangle on farm equipment)
there is nothing in my state inspection book about nos, if you wreck and the bottle gets jared i think that the vent tube would release the preasure as sone os it goes up. And to correct the first post on this page the all new SVT Ford Focus comes factory with a NX 75 shot of da juice…
i allready corrected myself that it came in the saleen and not the svt…but what does this mean.
The N20 package for the Focus includes:
Direct Port Nitrous 75-hp Wet System with 10-lb nitrous bottle
It is “nitrous ready”. Basically this is shorthand for an engine that will come “nitrous ready” with everything you need to melt the front tires except for a full nitrous bottle, the main hose to the engine and a couple of jumpers to hook up the wiring.
You buy the package seperately, and install it yourself at your own risk.
Does anyone hear have a copy of what the laws actually are? I am interested, because a friend of mine got a ticket for having 2 nitrous bottles hooked up in his jetta, yet people like 8.1 crew don’t get anything for it.
go get a book off a cop,do u have a BOV?
I’m not getting a book off a cop. I’m not a huge fan of the police in general.
Yes I have a BOV or what should be called a CBV. My car came stock with one, whats your point?
2 bottles can equal 30lbs where 8.1 has just one bottle that is 10lbs. there is your difference. that is why most people use 5lb bottles for IC sprayers so they stay under the limit of what hazzmat says
is it the factory one,or does it let the gases go into the air?
as far as I know it has to do with the amout no the Pressure its under. Pressure of a tank comes under a different thing that has to do with having the bottle hydrostaically tested every 5-10 years depending on the type of bottle (comisition) size of bottle. For example at the fire department our SCBA Bottle have to be hydrostaticlly tested I think every 5 years (or could be two can’t think right now) and they are carbon composite bottles. The steel bottle have a differet number of years they have to be tested.
As far as 7.5 said about the inspection book, No2 doesn’t fall under inspections just like window tint doesn’t. even thoughg sopme stuff passes inspection, it still may be illegal.
I have said it since I have come to this site. PA Vehicle codes and Inspection laws are fucked up and there are too many inbetween the lines things.
As far as acutally spraying No2 while on the Street the illegal part doesn;t come out of the inspection code but the US DOT reguarding hazadus materials. I was shown it once but can’t find it for the life of me right now and I’m not at the station to ask Ron (guy I know who deals with this stuff day in day out)
My orginal post with the picture of the combustion triangle is the down and dirty explination of having a bottle in your vehicle. since its under XX size its not regulated during transport but once you hook it up and use it it falls under a different rule.
Also not sure if many of you know this but your No2 bottle has to be hydrostatically tested every 5 years also or the refill station is not allowed by law to fill it. Same goes for my CO2 bottle, kager bottles, welding equipment bottles and so forth. even your Nitrogen tanks because they are not the same as an air compresser tank.
Air compresser tanks for air ride, brake systems and so forth are not in the same catagory as high pressure bottles.
right but also if the lines were hooked to the bottle that is why your friend got nabbed. If Brian didn’t get nailed in the pewtermobile and his lines WERE connected its a simple case of the cop doing what he wanted which is what happends a lot.
I am working pretty much all week but as soon as I can get a hold of ron for the codes and or regs I will post them up with links. I just can;t think for the life of me where it was He showed it to me. I think it was one of the zillion books we have laying around the station.
here let me break it down since so you can understand.
True - Any amount under 25 lbs you can transport in a vehicle unplaqard. If you ment to use you should have specified this but according to your post you ment have in your car which would be transporting.
should have said legal to use in your car on public raodways
First off NOS (Nitrous Oxide Systems) is a brand name, not to be confused with nitrous oxide.
This isn’t a newbie site I think most people know this by now and use it in jest most of the time on PS.
Second off nitrous oxide is a huge safety hazard in a car that is involved in an accident, this is why you don’t see any cars come stock with it. The bottle is under high pressure, and if it explodes, it could mean death to every passenger in the car.
True and false - yes its a saftey hazard but the reason they don;t come stock is due to most every car that comes off the production line is made to be used as daily trasportation on regualted roads. SO the extra wear and tear is not needed when you are supposed to be doing the speed limit anyways.
If you get pulled over and you have nitrous tanks, you can get a ticket.
Flase - Unless you have the lines hooked up to the bottle. If the lines arn;t hooked up it is considered trasporting of the tanks and if its under 25lbs you are legal with out the mentioned Hazmat Placard
If you take your car in for inspection and you have nitrous tanks, you will fail.
www.pacode.com go to Title 67 and read. when you can post the code up then we’ll have another conversation.
Hint: Its not in there so it doesn’t affect inspection.
I don’t see how you guys think this is street legal?
Well from your very first sentance you got this confused with trasporting nitrous, not being street legal.
Deffinition of “street legal” - Equpiment on a vehicle being legal for use on public roadways
Off road use only - For use on privatly owned road,s or track use.
See why you went about this the wrong way.
if the bottle valve is closed I don’t see why they would fine you for having the lines hooked up