NY Zero Tolerance Speeding?

they must be gettin tired of chasin bucky

i got 42 in a 30 last week

If they wanna crack down on something, get cops out on the 290 West in the mornings. It seems like the posted speed limit is 65 between Main and Niagara Falls Blvd… most everyone is doing at least 70-75.

Give a few weeks and everything will be back to normal.

not that damn hard to do the speed limit lol

u still get tickets though

so youd be ok if i put a 65MPH governor on ur evo?

It’s one thing to enforce a 30 zone and be strict about it, I have no problems with that. 42 in a 30, yeah, you’re 12 over in a residential zone, sorry, no pity. Slow down before you run over someone’s kid.

But 58 in a 50 on the 33? Give me a fucking break. Why that damn road is a 50 in the first place is bullshit. I’m sure someone (cheektowaga and buffalo) are funding a large portion of their budget on it, and that’s why it’s a 50 not 55.

Or 73, 74 etc in a 65 on the 90? There are bigger crimes they can spend their time on.


Pay to play.

Amoung other things, just another reason I’ll be moving out of state at the end of this year.

Revenues must be low, i love when they try to throw the saftey issue in there, enforcing he v&t is about money, thats it, plain and simple

shitty as it is, just dont get caught fucking around or you will have to deal with the concequences.

It’s a good philosophy. There are too many people doing 37 in a 30, they must be stopped, even if that means letting a few crackheads and murderers off the hook.

i never speed in 30 zones…they are ussualy very busy or to residential…with the exception of sunset rd in hamburg between camp and plesant…that road is stupid. I really dont see a reason why when roads are dry on main highways…90…219 ect… there is no reason why the speedlimit could be 75 or 80. if you go off the road doing 65 you are goin to be just as fucked as you would at 90 IMHO… Hell the highway from vail to aspen Co the speedlimt is 80 (maybe 75 i cant recall) and they dont have any problems?

The speedlimit is set to 65 for two reasons… its very hard to do 65 in a new car…which are built to do 120mph+ in which case they can hand out speeding tickets to increase revenue. and the 2nd reason is to save fuel. But with the new cars out today… they are so aerodynamic that doing 65 will net you almost the same mpg as it would doing 85.

V1 > fundraising

and for all you who think cops are out to save lifes by checking speed… if they want people to slow down…they would just sit there with their radar on…taht way anyone with a detector would slow to a reasonable speed which incase would make everyone “safe”…but insted they use laser guns…which i think is more dangerous because they use them to defeat the purpose of radar detectors. But when somone is doing well over the speedlimit and their detector goes off in full aleart…they will get hard on the binders…which could cause an accident. Where as if the cop just sat there with his radar on…it would slow everyone down a few miles back.

yeah but this is western new york, you have to remember what this area stands for, a bunch of bullshit that makes no sense

so this starts today? No more going 110 on the 990 for me for a while…lol

It’s wrong for them to only care about it when they need money. If they are going to enforce it, they should do it all the time, like it’s thier job.

I have no problem with them enforcing the speed limit…when they change the thruway speed limit to 85 :slight_smile:

but in all seriousness, there has to be some kind of cushion in the speed limit because not all cars have accurate enough speedometers to be “right on the money”. I’m sure there is a 5MPH cushion that you can use, but they would never tell you that otherwise people would go 5mph over. I’m not changing the way I drive until it’s a problem…though if you’re in a residential area, go the speed limit.

:word: on 85!

Its 4% of the speed I think. Car makers are allowed a 4% margin of error. So, 60mph would be allowed 2-3mph either way.

I think. lol Its early and I can’t remeber exactly.

And if they only enforce it when they need money. That just gives you an advantage. Its like that class that only takes attendence on random days. :tup: