NYC Mosque

How far away from Ground Zero should a Community Center/Mosque be built?

Read my post again before you try to give me a history lesson.

What starts more wars or what started more wars? Focus on the bold text.

It’s easy for someone who doesn’t give a crap about faith/religion to just blame everything on ‘religion’. That’s just ignorance speaking. Do some research as to why some of the recent wars started (and not the ones of 2000 years ago). You might learn something.


Double post…WTF? Why is this happenin!? lol.

jesus is helpin ya out …:thumbup




read into them all a bit and u will see wwhat i mean .

Dude, you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s okay. Not everything is a cause of religion.

ilya , your a fuckin biblethumper virgin . its ok one day u will realize its all bullshit and have fun in your life without fear of goin to hell because ya fucked a hooker out of wedlock



Once again, this is not a religious issue, it is a respect issue.

You can’t come into an area demanding respect by showing disrespect.

Some of those were actually pretty funny, like the motorcycle one.


And the winner for best rants on shift goes too…

They’re ALL funny. Jesus freak.

Seems like they’re pushing the issue just to get attention to their new mosque. Which will most likely get built. Just to show how accepting America is. I however agree they should just build it somewhere else and STFU.

Really can’t agree with you on that one man. But religion is this world, cant do anything about it, just deal with it.