NYC Mosque

I blame religion.

And have nothing constructive to add :lol


Correct. +Rep

There would be no press if a jewish temple or christian church were to be built in the same spot. It’s just another religion people. The 9/11 attacks were from an extremist militant group. It’s just sad to see all you people act so prejudicial against a certain group of people. Get over it, this country is based on freedoms, religious being one of them. You are all acting as if this is their new super secret headquaters for their next attack. It’s going to be a community center/mosque. HOW SHOCKING.

I think many of us will agree with you, but regardless, the people trying to build this mosque should have some respect for the people of the city, which are obviously very against it being built there. That’s all. By continuing to build it there, they are only going to bring hatred upon themselves in the form of vandalism, etc. Who knows what’ll happen.


Some of the news stories lately seem to make the more extreme conservatives more vocal and people like me hide our heads in shame.

70% of republicans think obama is a muslim according to the media :crazy
and then fox news defense is that he might be a super secret muslim :banghead

no, not really. has nothing to do with “respect.”

some 9/11 victim’s families are coming out saying to put the mosque there. they are the ones that were most affected by the attacks. to deny this group the RIGHT to build it there is feeding into the anti-American militants that we are hypocrites who are prejudice against a whole “race” of people.

I know this, but if 90% of the people polled say DON’T build it, then they shouldn’t build it. The people who actually lost people in the attacks weren’t the only ones affected. Yes, they were the MOST affected, but the entire city has a say in anything having to do with 9/11. If the vast majority of the NYC public doesn’t want it there, out of respect these people, they shouldn’t build it there.

It’s as much about respect as it is anything else. Why is this group so set on building it there? They are clearly trying to gain attention. Trying to help the community? I’m pretty sure communities in Brooklyn could use more help than a community in MANHATTAN/Dowtown NYC.

90% of polls are bullshit. Especially when they take the poll to try and support a topic that the media finds entertaining.

No one gives a fuck, except for people who are overtly racist, and that’s the truth.

Well I don’t know about any polls, etc. I was just trying to make a point. One has to ask why they are so determined to build in this spot.

determined? determined to succeed and overcome what? People like you?

What are you so afraid of? What is this mosque going to do?

Iyla, and back in the 1830-1960s, Im sure the polls were high saying dont give black people any rights either…

and it’s not that they are so determined for that spot. It’s the fact that they paid for the property LAST YEAR. I’m sure they would have a hard time selling it to begin with considering the neighborhood is in terrible condition.

Funny because it referenced Muslims?

lol this thread is so racist

I think it would be better if the mosque wasn’t built near ground zero simply because there are other places for worship in the Manhattan area and it’s a touchy subject.

But the recent open racism is unbelievable; there are reports on the news all the time that people who are openly Muslim get attacked for that simple fact. A cab driver in NYC got stabbed a few times just the other night, and it’s not only focused on this particular mosque it’s all around the country with hatred towards Muslims. Its turned from a simple debate on whats moraly right and wrong to … America vs. Islam.

What was the Oklahoma City bomber? (Religion wise)

And just because someone claims their doing it for their religion doesn’t mean anything, for instance if i was to go burn down and Audi dealership and say i did it because i own a Mercedes Benz you wouldn’t go assuming all Benz drivers and arsonists

Timothy McVay’s religion is controversial as well. He participated in Waco and WAS Christian (possibly Branch Davidian But, iirc he denounced his faith before he was executed. I think it is said he became an atheist.

Fuck Muslims!

So many god damn liberals in this thread.

Funny because it was a funny caption. You don’t post much, but if you did, you would know that I get the most shit of anyone on here because of my religious beliefs. So don’t even play the racist/anti-religion card on me because I am neither. Obviously.

My issue isn’t with Islam. Hell, it’s not even with the mosque. It’s with respect. They are being ASKED to not build there, and yet they refuse to oblige and move it to a different location in NYC. WHY is THAT location so important to them? That’s all I’m saying.

I don’t give a crap what happens because I’m:

  1. Not Muslim
  2. Not from NYC
  3. Pretty unbiased when it comes to religions as a whole if you read my posts on the subject. You believe whatever the hell you want to believe, and I’ll do the same. I’ve said that many many many times.

I’m just making general statements…everyone would be better off if they moved the location. But they refuse to. WHY? Why is Ground Zero important them? Why did they buy it in the first place? You’re going to tell me that the neighborhood is SO BAD that they NEED to be there? I’m pretty sure Brooklyn is worse off then that area of NYC.

doesn’t it matter who exactly is asking them? If its a few racists bastards and fox news is it bad that they are “disrespecting” them?

No it doesn’t matter. As a religious group, they should respect EVERYONE. Or is that not what Islam is about?

blacks in the 60’s should have respected what the white man thought!

How is that relevant? Neither the black man nor the white man is a religious group. Religions preach peace and respect. By not willing to budge from their stance (this Mosque), they aren’t exactly being respectful.

The white man vs black man analogy has no room in here cause it doesn’t apply? You could make a case for suppression of ones beliefs (equality) but I still can’t tie that into this debate because no one is suppressing any beliefs, they are just asking them to move their location. I’m glad the Black man got his freedom. There have been some great Black people on this earth and also some bad. Same goes for the White man.