NYC Mosque

Its a perfect analogy of what you said.

As a religious group, they should respect EVERYONE. Or is that not what Islam is about?

just because a race is different than a religion doesn’t make it irreverent. They are both protected by constitution (and/or amendments). They are both prosecuted in similar ways.

The parallel I am implying has to do with the fact that you want this group of people to bend over for illegal, racist, and uneducated opinions of another.

And in that sense, the two issues are very relevant.

Here is another one, The germans wanted the jews to die during WWII. They had the popular opinion, who were the Jews to think that they could go on living and not respect the wishes of the German people fro them to DIE

Not that I agree with 99FRC entirely, but I was just looking up the whole Cardoba thing and it is a very odd name to pick for a company thats supposed to be all about peace and linking nations and faiths.

I think your taking the whole idea to an extreme. No one is asking these people to die because we think their race/religion is not superior to ours, The whole problem with this mosque is it is a simple respect matter. No ones asking for a genocide of Muslim people. Or saying they or their religion is inferior. They just don’t want a Muslim temple a block away from where muslim extremists killed people. Move the fucking temple. What is the big deal?

Yes. What I want to know is…why is this specific location so important to this group. Why did they buy it? They had to have known this would happen. They are trying to gain attention. No Muslim in their right mind would buy land with this intent that close to the WTC knowing how many people involved in the WTC feel about Muslims in general. Their intent is questionable, and the fact that they aren’t willing to budge on their stance, is disrespectful. But hey, it’s life…this happens every day, we just don’t hear about it.

Who here has lived in nyc and understands the dynamics of the culture down there? The Muslims who are building this mosque were probably born in America and were probably just as upset about the attacks as we were, so why would they feel it is a big deal if they are putting up a mosque?

Because people, in general, rely on association for many many things in life.

Even if these particular Muslim denounce the attacks, most ‘patriotic Americans’ dislike ALL Muslims due to the attacks. It’s just how people are.

You should have joined the Peace Corp.

just a quick question , does anyone else think its b/s that when ya say the pledge in the flag people hate it when ya say "under god " ? im not a religous type as we all know but christ enough with aall th ebullshit on religous crap does your fake god care if ya pray in a church or at the lot parkin area holy fuck …

I dont think it gives off the right vibe.

Here around the DC area the diversity in culture is insane. We have a couple afghan people that work in out dealership that are just as american as any of us.

We have a 68 year old guy from vietnam who actually shot his own finger off in the 60s just so he wouldnt have to fight against us because he wanted to move over here.

“under God” was added in the 1950s as a counter-attack to the atheist USSR.

exactly. it was added as a dig at the USSR by Eisenhower.

thats not what i meant , i was talkin about all the bullshit that is goin on with it and all the other religons havin a problem with it and x-mas and all the other shit . to me religion is a crutch for the week

Ill keep is simple. Mosques are continuiously set in place where they have conquered… know your history people. It started with the Temple Mount. Media won’t point this out, but this is what they do as a sign of conquer.

The Koran (018:021) states: ‘Build a building over them, their Lord knows best about them;’ and those who prevailed in their affair said, ‘We will surely make a mosque over them.’

And thus did We make (men) to get knowledge of them, that they might know that Allah’s promise is true and that the Hour — there is no doubt about it. When they disputed among themselves about their affair and said: Erect an edifice over them. Their Lord knows best about them. Those who prevailed in their affair said: We shall certainly build a place of worship over them.

This is not a direct commandment to build on a place of victory, but there is a tradition of building mosques to celebrate or symbolize victory.

Week? The only thing that is ‘week’ here is your spelling/typing skills. :rofl

But seriously…weak? Weak how? Please tell me how I or other people of faith are ‘weak’? Or is that just something you heard someone say one time and you just agree with it blindly because you never looked into faith, etc.? :facepalm

ilya , maybe just maybe one day when ya have to deal with some form of hardship ya may understand that the only thing lookin out for u is yourself . i have my reasons about thinkin reliigion is bullshit . whats the first thing people say when in trouble or suttin else , its always oh god or suttin of the liking . i dont hate religous people or anything i just hate it when its always a problem over who belives in what . one day ilya you will find out that your god as you call him is suttin some other biblethumper invented for someone to pray to. as far as my typin skills , i dont care what your thinkkn about em . cause trust me its pretty self evidant that you aint to brite to go runnin at the mouth to someone u know shit about and most deff cant hold a candle to

  • fuckin 1, You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to 88slowmarro again.

The typing thing was a joke lol. Dont get all puffy chest on me. Its just the internet.

You dont care about religion and have your reasons not too…yet you use it against me on this forum (not just you, but many others as well) in the form of deragatory remarks about my faith (ie biblethumper). Hypocritical much?

Hardship? My mom has had 3 open hearts, numerous heart attacks, etc. and recently spent 2 months in the hospital, dont preach to me bout f’in hardships John.

Fact of the matter is, all jokes aside, everyone should respect everyones opinion. This includes the mosque group. They need to move it out of respect for those who died that day.

Crusades 2010.

not disrespecting your moms hardfalls at all , i hope she is well . but that is not you fighting for yourself man , when ya experiance it u will see what i mean hopefully ya dont but i lived a very rough life and ya know what got me thru it ? it was all me i tried the religous thing and after a lot of thinkin and so on . discovered it was not me and that i didnt need a faceless god to help me just a set of nuts and a lot of self work

Too each his own, but dont bash people of faith (calling them weak for example) on the basis that you dont agree with them. That is all.