NYS Trooper Down

HA Clutter this thread. Speak for yourself d-bag.

Seriously, wtf.


Pretty much truth.

You should see some of the stuff they do at the academy at Ualbany, they run aroudn the campus with giant ass tires and huge wooden poles that they need to carry on their shoulders and run with, could never do that!

srsly? this isn’t nazi germany bro…public forum, simple as that…Not to mention totally OT…we are talking about the trooper…no one is off base by speaking their mind. You all need a little history lesson, and remember that this is America and we have a constitutional right to do what were doing. Whether YOU like it or not…so STFU tough guy.
P.S. Travis go fucking die already… you servile, coniving, lying sack of useless horse shit. You waste our air by breathing it in u shitbag dumbfuck…Your knowledge is based on bullshit lies that even you believe at this point. I hope you are never able to conceive a child because this world will seriously be worse off if you are able to reproduce…In fact you should be castrated to prevent this from occuring…


This thread was not intended to talk about how fast cops should be driving. It was to inform people that someone lost their life serving THIS country. What does America and constitutional rights have to do with a thread that was derailed offtopic (just like 75% of them are).

So many people lack common-sense respect on this site, and this thread is a prime example of it. That is why so many people come here and leave because of the douchebaggery/immaturity. Most of the members on this site, their biggest problem is whether or not their rims are clean, or I hope my clears get here in time.

I agree with what’s in bold.

However, how fast this particular cop was driving is probably in direct correlation to why he died. I think that is grounds for discussion. If I died in a way such as this, wouldn’t people make a thread about it? Or how about you? I think everyone would still discuss. Many people who discussed DID pay their respects, including me. I do feel bad for this cops family and his troop. I wish them the strength and courage to go on without a co-worker, father, brother, husband, and son.

Holy shit. The man died, doing his job. EVERYONE makes mistakes and unless you are perfect you have no right to neither assume nor judge his actions. He died trying to do something positive in this world and no matter how much a person may or may not hate cops for doing what they do, he deserves respect. Not to mention for serving our country.

So enough of the he did this, he did that bullshit. If you feel the need to create drama, do it elsewhere. This is not the thread.

Don’t be a bunch of whiney bitches.

Glad I cant see Ilya’s posts anymore.

Majority of the time a cop will not chase a suspect in excess of 100mph. Its not worth it, if that cop crashes into someone uninvolved and kills them… the city or state will have a fat lawsuit on hand and the commanding officer will be in some deep shit. My father was a cop for 28 years and retired as a lieutenant and my brother is also a cop. Unless there are extreme circumstances… it is not worth having a chase going into high speeds.

Rest in peace… My heart goes out to the family.

As for what should and shouldn’t be said on a public forum…

Only two choices, really- censor absolutely nothing or pick and choose which subjects “shouldn’t be discussed further”

Mods are only human and will tend to act according to what is important to them… Just like most people would.

Unless there is a total lack of censorship there will always be room for someone to make that decision and things will never be “fair”- that’s just how it is.

For the record it’s possible to show respect AND to discuss something in an organized fashion both at the same time, and I think that’s what Ilya and some others have been trying to do here.

Agreed… I can understand the frustration though because some people react differently to a post depending on who posted it. One guy says one thing… Gets reamed out. Other guy says basically the same thing- and gets no reaction or even mild agreement.


Exactly. I do not think I was disrespectful in any way. I was just stating what I think happened. Big deal. Regardless, I’m used to it/these reactions.

Ryan can shove his ego and his supra up his ass sideways for all I care.

Am I supposed to feel sad because he can no longer read my posts? Get a grip Ryan. I don’t give a shit.

You need to get laid.

Good post. Would read again. :thumbup

haha… gets me everytime.

Don’t get riled up jilya… I tend to agree with you about the whole 100mph thing. If you want, go read my post on the previous page.

If my words offend, it is not to offend, it is to add to the discussion on this open forum.

That is the tragic part, he lost his life for so little. Weather he was hot dogging or felt his speed was justified is irrelevant. He’s not here to testify. Laws and speed governors are not going to curb behavior, for that I have no solution. There are rules of engagement from dept to dept about when to use what level of speed/illumination/sound/force. Politicians weren’t driving his cruiser. God wasn’t driving his cruiser. He was.

On the business side, here’s what the taxpayers lost.
-Telephone Pole and associated cost
-Crown Vic Cruiser and equipment
-Operating officer
-Officer’s equipment
-Time spent to train officer
-The officer was a Vet and the time/money spent training him in the Service.
-Potential bill for death benefits(?) (admittedly, don’t know how that works with PD’s and the Service)

Would I call him a hero? Ultimately not. But no life deserves to be forfeit in such a way. Nothing can bring back the father, husband, brother, or son that is lost. The Community lost a public servant–an active, productive member of society. My condolences go to the family.

^ good post. really it is.

sure, all the mentioned cost lots of $, but ultimately all was lost at a greater cost, which is a human life.

I think we can all agree on that. I don’t think it was anyones intention to put the man down or anything like that.