NYspeed 24 Hours of Lemons Team

24 hours in a 944, are you a masochist?

24 min in a 944 makes my balls hurt. And that was when I had High School sized balls :frowning:

MPD, GSX, Addictd2Chair, Me should start a team and pwn all :stuck_out_tongue:

i second that.

i heard that theres COmpetitiveness rules…

Old Fast F-bods get AIR dams welded to roofs to slow things down if its too fast.

old 5 speed neons can be found for $100. and the DOHC ones are not that slow. they can be made to handle great.

http://buffalo.craigslist.org/cto/950386521.html prefect car!

That car is too much, needs an engine/trans can 240s be had in the 500 range for high mileage runners?

Absolutely, a buddy and some friends from South Carolina ran one in Lemons last year. Did great too, descent power and handling will some good handling. They straightened the car out afterwards and are talking about building a car for SCCA out of it.

Hmm no camaros, so spend less then 500 on a good running car? But sounds like noone want an american car? I have a line on a78 cadillac fleetwood.

Yeah buying an import is too open minded.:meh:


Ill save it for the hangover i guess.

The whole runner needs to be less then 500… if you can get a running non v6 powered Fbod for 500 bux SHOW me it and i will buy it

A SOHC would be better for the leMons, as a DOHC that has not been cared for is not a reliable engine when it spends a lot of time close to redline.

They will probably add a few chicanes. That track is way too fast for a bunch of novice drivers and a bunch of POS’s.

I would almost add this to your list of cars you “are gonna buy”, but I actually believe you this time. :eekdance:

X… :rofl:


Start buying.

Oh yeah, I’m still in. Jeremy has a bunch of cars that might work, both he and I have build racecars so we know how to install the required safety equipment. Both of us have hundreds of laps on that track (which might not matter depending on configuration) What we really need to do is start organizing this, get together the seriously interested people and start planning. It looks like we may have two possible teams, some sort of co-operation should be done here.

http://buffalo.craigslist.org/cto/952292957.html and there is a 3.1 v6 camaro on the list for 700 obo. The 3.1’s were good engines and were backed by great transmissions. I say go fbody light fast and agile.

SO which track event are we talking about there are allot? Im interested I have a car hauler and a big truck to pull shit with, but not many days off considering i have to manage my departement. But this does sound fun, i also have a place that can soup up the trans and rear ends if needed for free.

Nelson Ledges october 3rd and 4th.

Ahh not to far at all.

still seriously interested in doing this.