NYSpeed Time-Attack @ Dunnville

oh hush

290 -> 90 -> 400 -> bullis -> clinton -> home

new way ONLY takes me 40 min :stuck_out_tongue:
(so you people who say mighty is just too far away, you have no reason to bitch)

ill be drivin out to ur house

i live right near mighty, so u could just meet me there too if u would rather. whatever we’ll figure it out when the time get closer/

You forgot the whole trailer thing too.

Also, anyone aware if they have sound restrictions seeing as I run open headers I’d really hate to suffer driving/towing it any distance to find out I can’t run it.

yeah getting that thing into canada prob wouldnt be an issue…its getting it back that i’d worry about:

US Boarder Agnet: Sir could you please explain this, ummmm…thing?
Fuzzy: its my car
US Boarder Agent: i’m affraid we cannot let this back into the country.

Yeah, the US would totally toss the banstick at my car. :lol:


theyt’d see it go over the boarder and be like ‘yes!!! its gone!!!’

Lets stay on topic guys.

I might be out depending on the solution to what I brought up to onyx…I’ll let him elaborate because its his thread.

heres my thoughts

it gets darker earlier and earlier lets say drivers meeting and set up takes 30 minutes which is pushing it and thats with tech and such(gotta tech)

20 cars x10 minute hot lapping for best times =3 hours and 20 minutes that means less then 20 mintues on the track with practice since we cant have more then 12 on at a time for insurance reasons…by the last person finishing up that means that its dark out…

this problem is last time we got in 2 hours of tack time 8 groups divided by 2 = 4…30 minute lapping trials and we got 4

this time its 10 minutes plus whatever practice= not really worth the 50 bux…i think another track day for the expirienced drivers will be good enough…but again this is just a opinion

plus lets say i bring my 240sx which is n/a right now and joe(red evo) is there theres no way to win…so classes are in order too…i dont know…i talked to onyx earlier and told him all about this and he said they need to find more transponders for more cars and talk to rx3(rick) ect ect…which is fine…if it works out im in but for 10 minutes of driving ill save my money for a different track day…

just my .02 so comments welcome

ehh i got some ideas of how to make this work, but its not really my place to share them (i dont think) so i’ll just keep quiet

share your ideas or opinions thats y there ideas and opinions…

ok bear with me here, this makes pefect sense, its just hard for me to explain it in words…

what you need to do is cut down on the stopage in driving. and by that i mean this: you have a line of cars on pit road, and you send the first car comes out. each car gets 1 warmup lap, so the next time they come by the pits, car #1 will be at full speed. you get 3 laps. when car #1 gets to the halfway point on lap 3, car #2 comees out so that car #1 is making his cool down lap car #2 is on his warmup lap. so ideally the cars are separated by a hal a lap so my the time car#1 comes into the pits car #2 is coming around at speed to start his run. the same process keeps going on untill every car has run and then you are at the front of the line again. it jsut keep going in one continuous loop. the line on pit road is a ‘active’ line so that drivers are in thier cars, ready to go all bleted in and helet on. if you’re not ready to go, then u should not be in the line. if you want to skip a run, or you need to do whatever to your car , just pull off in the pits and when you are ready, jump back in line. if some1 has to stop and fix thier car and gets in 2 less runs than some1 else, tough shit. thats just more encouragement to get your car prepared and ready BEFORE you get to the track. if i can think of a better way to explin this, i will edit my post cuz im not sure any1 is gonna understand a word of what i just said. kinda like how they qualify for a nascar race i guess.

i like the original idea, but i think this will work out better seen as how we’re fighting daylight.

EDIT: ideally, everyone would get the same ammount of driving time in (like the initally proposed idea), which is totally possible with this system. if anything, it will encourage people to farmilairize themselves with the rules before hand and prep thier cars before hand. basically, if you want to have more track time, then that should motivate you to make sure your car is ready to go and 110% prepared before you go to the trakc. i do however, understand that people have some stuff to do that needs to be done at the trakc (tire pressures, changeing tires, whatever) and time would be alloted for that as well.

We already have a class structure figured out, all will be revealed once we have a solid date.

The way the event is structured, stopages will be a minimum because we plan to have multiple people marshalling the course (either volunteers, or if necessary, the participants will take turns). Also the fact that no n00bs will be present will help things run a bit smoother.

We have already figured out how much time for practice and runs, and it will all be finalized once we have our date and starting time. There will be WAY MORE than just 10 minutes driving. What Josh described is just the portion of the event that will count to your actual posted time.

Keep in mind that this is not a trackday. It’s a TIME TRIAL. Obviously things will be slightly different.

josh told me your doin practice and then separate 10 minute runs with one car on the track? this is my original problem…20x10minutes= 3 hours and 20 minutes and if we start at 4pm on the dot that gives us 40 minutes of free time and our 10 minute run but the free time has to be cut into 2 so 30 minutes on the track…it will get dark at 800 pm or maybe sooner…as soon as you get a deffinate structure on how this is going to work please post it up…im curious on how the structure is…

You want more cars on the track? Buy your own transponder. Everybody gets a transponder, we can run 12 cars at a time. If everybody is going to be cheap, and I’m the only one buying a transponder, then guess what? One car at a time. :gotme:

how much are transponders ?

I’m working on it. If the test works out, I can tell everyone what they need to get (it won’t have to be a complete system, just a receiver), and I may even be able to put together a group buy and get units at or close to cost. If you were to buy a complete system (transponder, transmitter, data cable for the computer downloads, other misc stuff), you would be looking at about $250 or so depending on where you purchased it from. Obviously if you only have to buy a receiver, it will be less than that.

I may be able to get a hold of extra transponders. But it’s not guaranteed. Like it was said in the first post, not everything is set in stone yet. Details to follow once we get a date set, and figure out some other issues. Right now we need to get an idea of who will do this.

First off, this isn’t going to be a track day - it’s a time-attack competition.

Not worth it? Go Auto-X for $30 and get 3 minutes of track time.

And we’ve done 2 of these track days for the new guys who wanted to get out and try a track day for the first time. This round is for those members who want to compete, regardless of what cars they owne, to see how they stand and seriously drive the course without having to worry about someone else out there getting in their way.

In effect, you’re renting the track for yourself: you might be getting less total time, but you’ll have the whole track to yourself and access to a transponder for that time.

We can get there at 3:30 to cover those things if we need to. We just can’t be on the track before 4.

I get what you’re saying Justin, but we’re not doing another track day this year. And you’re math doesn’t consider the fact that it’s likely we won’t have 20 people since not that many people have the experience necessary or the will to do this.

Sorry man, but if you plan on braking your car do it somewhere else. We don’t need anyone blowing up their car on the track for fun and wasting the time of the others who are looking to seriously compete.

Sorry man, but your idea won’t work - we only plan on having one transponder. You can’t have more than one car running timed laps / on the track unless you have more than one transponder. If someone else wants to step up and buy one, then yeah we can have multiple cars out there.

So whoever is REALLY interested in this, we’ll need to hear from you ASAP.

This is a great idea, not enough locals doing this. I’d check with the track though, they usually treat ANY timed event the same.

I would also recommend to anyone doing this to have your car “teched” by another knowledgable mechanic/shop. A failure of any kind when pushing your car this hard could be serious.