NYSpeed Weekly Poker?

Updated the main thread. Anyone have the ability to bring chairs or tables?

Where is itsJim located?

I think he said he is in the Amherst area, near Bob Evans on NFB.

Yup… 141 Greenhaven Ter

put me on the roster damnit

in fo sho

Updated again. We might need some another table and chairs so if anyone has them laying around, post up.

WTF i had a super sneaky second edit why am i not on the roster

Oh come on you know Seneca’s blind structure is worse than most turbo tourneys

im in for the next one after the game on the 12th

Haha, I think that kid just put me in a fighting/argumentative mood :shoot:

Last updated you didnt have your second edit in. Added now.

I like the idea of a cash game if as things break down but lets put a limit to how much you can bring to a cash game.

i have a couple of the old school rectangle tables maybe 6 ft long by 3 ft wide…and a bunch of the crappy fold out wooden chairs if need be

Ok uhh yeah so I just talked to my old man and hes got some time and is going to work on pimping out the basement so this shit needs to be put on hold.

uh who said we need a “pimped out” basement?

we just need ANY venue…and preferably some beer…


What the fuck man.



Changed main post. TBA until we find a place to hold about 20 people.

Oh what a cock tease this was.