NYSpeed @ Winged Warrior Performance Challenge - May 11th, 12th 2007

I registered. Ok a few more questions.
I should have more mods (significant ones) done by the time this event rolls around.

  1. Is there a way to change some of my registration answers after I do the Upgrades?
  2. When and where do we pay? I was hoping we could pay now but didn’t see anything about it.
  1. Changes are allowed, just wait, they are ‘tweaking’ the form to allow that.

  2. Payment is in March (for those selected to race) carshow payments will be ready to accept in Feb? don’t sweat that part now.

you can count me in josh. I am NOT 100% sure if ill be racing. Im not too crazy about breaking stuff 100’s of miles away from home. However definately count me in along with all my new goodies.:slight_smile:

Assuming the shadow is 100% I might be down. But want to make sure it’s fully together before commiting to it.

alot of graduations are going on. im probably not going to make this show

Bing, there are ZERO good roads on the way out there. It’s a 500 mile drive through the Mid West, it’s flat, and straight and it sucks. I’ve done the drive a few times over the past few years.

count me in for the show, looking at the classes, i dont have a chance racing.

Hmm, how many hours is the drive? I may be up for this vacatio time pending…

Fuck it, I’ll bring the WRX if I have to. Put me down for racing.

About 8hrs.

Updated. Everyone re-read the first post in this thread. I keep updating it with more info as well as who is going.

graduation owns me but it sounds like an awesome time :frowning:

josh will find some nice ones, either that or we make out way there by somehow trekking through PA.

add me to the list im in, so we have to wait till the 15th to register right?

Well there is always heading south to pittsburg, hitting some nice twisties on the way then zipping highway across Ohio to Indy. Btw, cops in Ohio SUCK for those of you who havent done a lot of driving there.

Oh yeah, officially reg’d in WW-C class.

Sounds like fun, ill be spectating since i wont have anything worth running.

So whos bringing the tow dolly/Trailer?

thats along drive to go beat on your car with out expecting problems. I might be interested if I can find some one to room with as Im a poor Mofo. altho I would need to find NYspeed grafics as Im currently without.

I may be driving my trailer out. But I wont know till closer to the date.

For the show, yes.

I will be there, food in tow :slight_smile:

Josh, we will talk later.

I will be taking one of the trucks this time, so I can haul any large things that may need to be brought down.