Obamacares Fate, Votes in Today

You can do that as an individual too. It’s called self insured.

Yes but aren’t you required to leave a deposit with the DMV for that?

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Yup you have to post a certain amount of money.


all of that money will be taxpayer money

And not to mention, how many employers will drop insurance coverage for their employees in 2014 when this becomes available?

i hope mine doesnt. I pay $0.25/week for my health insurance right now



oh look, i can post a stupid political cartoon too.


^ :rofl

Actually, those rights are fairly recent given the time frame of mankind and civilization. Just over 150 years ago, people were allowed to own slaves within the United States borders. But, you see, we as a society evolved and saw how wicked it was to own another person, and to deny people basic rights under the law based on color, religion, sex and sexuality. The human race is supposed to progress every generation for the better, and now due to our progression we are seeing more equal rights for every person in the United States.

Healthcare, in my opinion is another basic right. Everyone deserves the right to live and to be treated with affordable healthcare. That is where this bill comes in; it grants people this right. It’s not a universal system as seen in other countries; but, it’s a start. And you can’t say that it will cause harm to the country and we will lose jobs because of this bill. Look at Germany for instance, they have socialized medicine and they are an economic powerhouse.

In the end we are going to have dissenting opinions and that’s how it’s going to be. You won’t be able to change my mind and vice versa.

Like how much? Seeing how little I drive some of my cars could be a viable money saving option!

As far as Obamacare, not really sure how it affects me yet. I am on Medicare (Not Medicaid) because of disability. I dont have insurance for my daughter currently, I pay out of pocket for her checkups. I really want to get insurance that will cover us both, but my “pre existing conditions” make any of them sky rocket the premiums.

well then “obamacare” will help you out a lot due to the per-existing condition factor. Do you make too much for Child Health +?


I have it for my son. We pay so little for it compared to what I would be paying for my own.

I did read something about how it will actually create jobs. This is due to the fact we don’t have enought medical personal to handle all the people that will now have the ability to get care. So if you are getting out of high school look into medical field jobs. You don’t have to be a doctor we will need nurses, xray techs, ect.
Of course some will spin this saying we don’t have enough personnel and we should not use Obamacare. But you can’t start hiring people until it is effective. That would be sucide for the hospitals.

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It wont really create jobs, there is already a huge shortage of those positions, especially nurses, but for some reason its not a field of work a lot of people are interested in.

That sucks those are very respectful jobs. But there not rock star jobs like video game designer.

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Compounding pharmacies do very very well. Especially ones that do Pet Meds. Its funny how you can crush up 1 dollar of lisinopril, add a suspending agent and chicken flavoring and people are biting your hand off to pay 40 dollars for it. Pet meds are a cash only business as well.

Edit: apparently your buddy does vet compounds. Their store looks really well done.

The fact that these employers are now at least getting paid for every patient they see is vital. I agree on the shortage. Its partially due to salary. Walking into a shit smelling room, with trauma victims all day everyday isnt worth it to some. Not even at 60k/year. I wouldn’t doubt it if nurses/physicians both saw a steady increase in salary.

Love those commercials :rofl

In the past people who couldn’t afford college intellectually or financially would work hard and work their way up rather than settle for a part time job. Unfortunately Americans today are more than happy to accept that work and then complain they aren’t paid enough and they’re “worth more.”

I don’t think you’ll find anyone who thinks healthcare for all is a bad thing. The difference that you’ll see is in its implementation. Government should be incentivizing people to buy through tax credits rather than penalizing them for not. The main obstacle to that is the cost of insurance, which this law does nothing to bring down.

yeah, he opened up another pharmacy one town over a year later. dude is doing well for himself. he graduated from albany pharm too.

So why do states have to tell corporations what minimum wage should be? I do believe its because a corporation would try to pay the least amount possible for the most amount of work. Also most jobs that paid well were once manufacturing jobs and you could work your way up. Now those jobs were sent overseas. Just Google why apple will never manufacture the iPhone in the US. You will see the true greed of the fat cats. Also read a little Noam Chomsky even if you don’t agree with him he does shed light on the mindset corporate leadership.

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