meh take that chance, its just a little water and wind, but atleast it still warm

Whew just fixed my addiction…

we have no power, water or cable…but wait our phones work!

Running the computer off a generator and hookedup the phone line thank you to free dial-up through LocalNet! (I am actually thankful to have it now!)

I dont know about the rest of you guys, haven’t really read through all the posts

Our neighborhood is decimated…any tree that was not some variety of pine/fur is destroyed, we have only one path through our streets…we had over 2 feet of snow in our area but thankfully the rain has compacted that down to 1 foot of slush

It been pretty rough, my dads been out with snyder fire dept since thursday evening and the mom has been stuck at her work since then as well! just me and my doggy

everyone be safe out and about, people are driving worse than usual

The following people suck at teh weather

that goes double for psphinx81 cause he puts his evo away for the winter :slight_smile:

Anyway i live off george urban in depew, We just got out power back about 20 minutes ago in case anyone has family out here. Playing UNO with my grilfriend in the dark reminded me how much people pretended to like each other in the olden days with no electricity.

PS Special thanks for redrocket ans SI01 for offering me and my girl a place to stay while the power was out.

P.S.#2 This is the longest drama-less thread ever!

sweet. its snowing again… here in south wales,

any one on here in the village of hamburg with power yet?

Just got a call from my friend on the West side. He has a 77 Monte Carlo with 40K on it. It belonged to his deceased father and was his pride and joy. The snow fell off the roof and crushed the hood and roof. It is so buried he cannot dig it out to see if there is any other damage. He just took it off the road Thursday to put it in storage. The snow also took out the right rear roof and quarter panel of his winter car.

This storm just sucks for some people.

Stated value insurance (yes i’m going to say it) FTW.

Sucks for your friend.

Act of GOD FTL! His girlfriend is both our insurance agents. She doesn’t believe it will be covered.

edit: Not to mention the car has original panels and paint with no accidents.

bump for having power again. hope everyone is ok

I’m at my parents’ house in Chili because there’s no power or water at my house (as far as I know… I heard we’re not supposed to get it back until Tuesday or Wednesday). gotta go back there today to rescue my fish and kitty cat.
but here’s what it looked like yesterday morning:

Im here in NT with power, (but I live 4 houses from the NIMO building.) theres no snow left on the ground. but my faimly about 1 block are without.

I spent yesterday, with a buddy in his ranger (4x4) pulling downed trees and pusshing them out of the way. checking on a few from our congergation(im a minister). later that day toook the evo out and picked a few people up. I have 10 people here now and 2 freezers filled with other peoples food :slight_smile: we right now have 4 computer/laptops running right now on my verizon highspeed. and a friends Cellphone card.

Completely devastating.

west seneca = no power but thank god for generators my basments dry

ive got some good pics from alden but i dont have my usb wire for my digi. The 32s pulled me out of a parking lot full of 24" snow. I was happy with new tires perfomance in the deep snow.

the village has had power since yesterday at noon. people in boston are still without.

a tree branch killed my sisters car. the beetle is safe in the garage.

and its snowing again…

still no power here im on my sisters laptop since it has battery. Good thing i was smart and left my car locked up at my work downtown inside the building, I would have never made it home with the hankooks on it. Hopefully it clears up early next week so I can go and drive it home.

yea dude its snowed in west seneca for like a day and i had 2 ft of the shit all over my power went out the trees in my yard are half down thank god one didn’t fall on the nova or the iX deff thought my garage was gunna cave from the weight of the melting snow shoveling dsucked too man i just got power this morning at like 10 it fuckin blew

i know what you mean. but you’ll get over it. but then other people won’t.

my parents are on w. delavan and argyle and they have no power or anything. my touring is in storage on richmond near delavan and the garage has power

my apartment is on ashland and ferry and we have power but no internet or cable. I’m posting from work (Urban) right now, which is 100% fine. but noones shopping today obviously.

got the tree limb off my car, its not too bad. i need a hood, but glass is fine. haven’t seen the roof yet. it just sucked that I had to watch it happen at 2am thursday night.

my parents have no power so I can’t do laundry. this sucks.

ouch what got trashed?

anyone know if the mall is open today?

Anybody in or near the town of Tonawanda with power? I live off of the circle on Parkhurst so I’m waiting shit out at the future in-laws on Grand Island.

It was definitely fun tagging along with my future father in law last night. He’s a former electrician, former electrical engineer, current president of American Brass. We were running around last night taking the old steel bridge to squaw island to make sure National Grid was doing there job getting power back to the factory ASAP. They have half a dozen $5 million dollar furnases that are only supposed to have molten copper in them, but when the power goes out the copper freezes and if they didn’t get power back soon they’d lose the furnases. We were running around the copper plant in the dark, then I was there when they finally got power last night and began to slowly bring the furnases back online. Last I heard 2 were saved, 2 were toast, and 2 were borderline. Crazy shit.