Heading out to the game tonight. The only game we got tickets to this year. I think I’ll start drinking before we go.
Anyone else going? (We’re in the 300’s)

i passed up $75 box seats for tonight’s game. I’ll watch them lose from my living room, with a steak and blowjob :tup:

What time is JoesTypeS getting there? :touchy:


waits for skunk…

GOD AGAIN!! haha i love it

4-0 already… jeez fuck I love it


ohh boy, better make room on the bandwagon

hahaha just got home

was playing hockey

awesome so far.

haha. sucks to be a fairweather fun, doesn’t it?

all 3 at the same time FTW

EWW…hope it counts



What a shit call. Max gets pushed into the goaltender, still barely touches him, and they call interference? WTF?

The refs tonight are a friggen joke.

these games are great… but it doesn’t do much for the standings… just entertaining thats it :frowning:

:clap: max :clap: