got it right this time :wink:


what a fucking game so far


:sigh: :frowning:

That was my bad…I just flipped it on…back to the 1993 Bills/Oilers Playoff game on NFL Network for me

My bad #2…i flipped back on the first commercial.

It really must be me.

very poor game all around

And thanks for the overwhelming optimizm with 2.40 to play Neale…:picard:

this team unfortunately has a pretty decent shot at missing the playoffs. 50% of the way through the season, and we are inconsistent finishing/scoring, inconsistent at goaltender, and inconsistent at defense. i am really not comfortable with any part of their game.

Being 2 points out of the 8th spot does not equal a pretty decent shot at missing the playoffs. If they can pull things together and get on a roll like we saw in December I think they will be in alright shape. Miller has not been inconsistent and the defense is coming together compared to the beginning of the season, with exception to a few brain farts here and there. If our offense starts to find the back of the net on a regular basis I think we’ll see this team start to string together some serious wins and leap frog into 6th or 7th place.

by no means am i off the bandwagon.

but, being in the bottom 3rd of the conference, and losing 5 straight for a halfway mark of 41 points is not going to cut it. we need to have a 50 point 2nd half to have a legit shot at the playoffs. in january and february, the contenders will separate themselves from the pretenders. while we are only a couple of points out, we are virtually a 500 hockey team with overall inconsistency. i would characterize that as providing the sabres with a decent shot of missing the playoffs.

With exception to 4 teams, the entire conference is virtually a 500 hockey team. A playoff birth is for the taking for every team in this conference except for 3 teams. I like our chances if/when we get out of this scoring slump, as long as its soon. Hopefully tonights 3 goal game is evidence of that. BTW I wasnt accusing you of jumping off the wagon, just merely spreading positive outlook.

agreed. no, i am in a mini depression from being at the game. i honestly think that was one of my least favorite sabres games i have been to in a while. i enjoyed the game for about 5 minutes in the 3rd period. the rest of the time, i was pissed about letting in the 1st fucking shot on goal for the second game in a row.

oh, and miller also let in the 1st shot on goal in the second period as well. letting in the 1st shot of the game, and 1st shot of any period is a momentum sucker. knocks the wind right out of the team. if miller is going to ever reach elite goalie status, he needs to shore that shit up. to me, guys like luongo, lundqvist and brodeur are on another planet, and then there are a bunch of “solid” guys (miller included). but people talk about miller like he is top 5 in the league. i would disagree with that. take a look at his stats, while GAA is more of a team defense state, save % is more of a pure goalie stat. his stats are pedestrian.

i want them to turn it around. extended losing streaks are brutal. it sure is nice when your $7-10million players score at a point per night or greater pace (see heatley, alfreddson, and spezza), in comparison to vanek, roy, and connolly’s .5 or less ppn pace.

lindy musta been pissed, we got kicked out of our locker room at pepsi center last nite because the sabres needed it, the trainers were not happy when they were throwing all of the equipment bags around, saying how the team is playing like shit and acting like a bunch of babies lol. and we didn’t see a single stick, it musta been a loooooong night of skating!

man, what a poor loss

I honestly thought we had it :tdown:


yea i thought wed at least make overtime.But letting them dance in and score 2 more was not something that should have happened.We really need to get something going on and start winning games,its too late in the season for this now.

soft goals kill all momentum. miller probably shout have had 2 of the 3 he let in and thibault should have taken away more of the angle on heatleys rocket.

awesome turnover kalinin

you jackass

yea we need to bench him and get pratt another shot for sure.

argh this sucks. comcast isnt streaming the game anymore, nowhere to watch it. I was listneing on wgr’s website, but I’m not paying 7 bucks an hour at this awful resort to listen to the 2nd and 3rd

yet another soft goal let in by miller. COVER THE FUCKING POST.

this team is useless.