i guess they scored a goal for every game they lost lol

So who is Campbell going to be traded for?

As much as it would suck…I hope they trade him before he goes the same way as Drury and Briere…because its quite evident that he has intent to shop around.

they said they were not going to trade him

Fucking Drew Stafford…5 point night…outstanding.

hahahah assholes.

yes…best game i have EVER been to in that arena :tup:!!!

yay for last nights game being a FLUKE

old sabres are back!!! :bloated:

^lol, agreed

yeah it was crazy last night there, i hope that want just a bump in our losing streak road, after lastnights game tonight was a huge dissapointment

the tale of two teams.


What took you so long?

Or were you just hesitant to post considering the Sabres have won one game in the last 11 and we’re tied with your team with 2 games in hand?

I supposed it must be somewhat comforting for you having company at the bottom of the standings this year. :mamoru:

ugh…i HATE that the game is on @ 4 tomorrow.

ill have to listen to the first period BLAH

Stupid game at 4…I wonder if they will let us leave early.

i am, havent missed a game yet, dont plan on it eighter

worst case I can just grab the laptop and watch on the new HD jumbotron…


I hate my life

it took me so long because i could care less about hockey. Toronto is just plain terrible and i dont see upper management doing much to change that. :crap: Glad to see they are leading the season series against Buffalo though.

About how I feel about the Sabres right now. At this point I’d much rather throw in a movie than waste what little free time I have watching them lose night after night.

It’s not 10 games into the season anymore. This BS excuse of “we’re just not clicking” or “we just need to try harded” is worn out. It’s time for a major shakeup.

w00t they are closing the office at 3

i went to holiday valley saturday night instead of going to the game. we won 10-1.

therefore, my superstitious side tells me that i should go to holiday valley again tonight. and that is what i am going to do.

if they win 10-1 again, i think i will have to go to holiday valley everytime the sabres play :bloated:

hopefully we dont frigging lose to phoenix. seriously.

I hope your posting from Holiday Valley…