Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

Malkin got a ticket for driving without a license???

Just read Fleury won 8 of his last 9…didn’t realize that.

that includes from before he was hurt tho, correct? (not that it matters, just wondering)

yeah I am pretty sure it does…he was like on a 4 game steak when he went out.

haha i saw that on the criminal record website thread

leavin for the pens game… sec D11…

lets go pens!!

awesome, you get to watch fluery in his all greatness tonight!

im really jealous, ive only made it to two games this year, my lowest attendance since like 2000-01

um ya, nice rebounds, glad we actually had defense tonight to clear the puck or the score would have been different… how many times did fleury lose the puck and not know when it was…

and what the hell hossa, shoot the puck i was at the game when crosby got his 100 point, i wanted to be there when malkin got his!!

never what are you talking about? okay okay only the second time… Idont think you guysrealize how hard it is to make saves on things like one timers or shots that you have defensemen or your own players right in front of you let alone having to deflect the plug into the corner or on to it…

fleury played great…

poor tampa ever since they lost khabibulin they just ruin goaltenders careers lol

It’s all in the wrist…it’s all in the wrist…

burny and how would you know how hard it is to stop a puck, i havent seen you stop one yet!!!:gaysex:

come out and play with us monday night… im pretty sure we are playing.

Mr. Malkin at 99!! 1 more.

I know, it pissed me off. With the way they were in the 3rd it looked like he was going to have 103…then finally at the end he fed it to Hossa for the empty net and fuckin hossa pissed around and shot it in as the buzzer sounded.

he better get a lot more than 1 more.

he ran a 4.57 backwards, thats sick i could beat him backwards pretty easy, but no chance frontwards lol

Your old and washed up now chump…I read Crosby ran a 4.3…which is sick.

damn find me the link to crosby running a 4.3, i doubt it

just found it

if you aint gettin timed by a computer and camera then it doesnt count