*OFFICIAL* Buffalo Sabres 2007 Off-Season Thread


sadly i have to agree…2 years ago management looked miles ahead of the curve, and now they look like the retarded kid in the back of the classroom WTF


they really didn’t back then they were just trying to save money by hiring cheap young players… They fell into this team they really truely did.

Im sure teams were aiming at the sabres to dismantle them.

Edmonton sure tried


Edmonton sure tried


And may have succeeded despite not signing Vanek. 7.14 million for the next 7 years is going to limit our options when other RFA’s become FA’s.

Eh, Vanek is coming of age.

Do we all forget Vanek was 5th overall draft pick? He has 2 solid seasons under his belt, one of which he showed some serious signs of being a star player, and the other he did become the star player. He was also one of the most prolific goal scorers the NCAA has ever seen come thru there end.

He is not some random player who had one good season by chance.

He is an extremely talented young hockey player that is just getting started and has a ton of room to grow still.


Im sure teams were aiming at the sabres to dismantle them.

Edmonton sure tried


true to an extent, but really only since the poor handling of the top two rated (market based) guys on our team.


watch us backpedal. we wouldn’t give drury 7 mil early, and now we’re stuck giving vanek 7 mil. wtf.


EXACTLY, this came about because of that. IMO. :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard:


Eh, Vanek is coming of age.


Vanek (coming of age) for 7.14m / 7yrs


Drierey (“proven”) for 10m / 5 yrs?


Drury wasn’t coming back.

Get it thru your heads.

I dont like it. Vanek is a fucking basket case and I dont think he is up to the task of the responsibility that comes with this kind of $. If he score any less than 40 goals this year it will be a bad move primarily because you let Dury go for similar $.

I dont like Vanek being the highest paid guy in the room and I think that will bring more issues if and when he starts to struggle. He is still a no show in the post season so that had better become one of his strengths in the coming years.

The positives from this deal are they appear to be making an effort to keep the young core guys here for a long time which would rock. And they are saying that we arent a development team for the rest of the league.



Drury wasn’t coming back.

Get it thru your heads.


He absolutely would have had they actually followed through with offers when they should have done it months ago. Like i said before the sabres are always reactive and never ever ever proactive.

we need to forget about drury and briere, be glad vanek, who is a good player, is on our team, and hope for the best with our young blood, who are probably really thirsty for some action and stepping up


Drury wasn’t coming back.

Get it thru your heads.


no shit. ever wonder why?

I’m pissed at how it was handled. I could care less whose name it was.


He is still a no show in the post season so that had better become one of his strengths in the coming years.


Post Season Points This past seasons - Player

13- Drury
11- Briere
10- Vanek

So he is still a no-show in the playoffs?


we need to forget about drury and briere, be glad vanek, who is a good player, is on our team, and hope for the best with our young blood, who are probably really thirsty for some action and stepping up


forget about the players fine, forget about how poorly the team was managed in the offseason? Not a chance! I can see not intending to sign briere cause 1. he was a bitch 2. he was going to get too much.

Not signing drury early was the bigest mistake they have mad in a long time.

I’m happy with Vanek being paid 7 million a year.

A better power play, and keeping the same line, no changes to defense. 50goals for Vanek, and a better playoff performance…

So what is your guys suggestion then?

The Briere and Drury situation is over.

They HAD to pay vanek what they did. You lose him, you lose everything right now, because there would be little if any team left to put on the ice.

Was the Drury situation shitty? Yes. But it’s over. let it go.


But it’s over. let it go.



:deadhorse: :whip: :deadhorse: :whip: :deadhorse: :whip: :whip: :ohnoes:

SRSLY, I understand the Vanek move. I am pissed because it had to come about due to the front offices moves in the last week.

our top line still looks pretty good, Vanek/Connolly/Max should still dominate, i see 80+ points from each if the line still clicks.

eh… i think stafford roy and vanek should be a line… connolly Max and Hecht should be numero Uno

Matching the offer had everything to do with telling the rest of the league that the Sabres are not the “NHL 7/11”, open all hours for your convenience, just bring money.

Eh, they just said what was already evident.

We all knew Vanek was going to be tossed a lucrative deal this offseason.