OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

Colorado simply wanted it more tonight.


I want my 2 and a hlf hours I wasted on this game back… Even if we won, it still would have sucked

I am soooooooo glad our team doesn’t play anything that resembles the trap. I give lots of credit to Devils and Avs fans. I don’t think I’d be able to take a whole season of that style of play. BORING!

was at the game, it was boring as shit… but i get a free pizza from pizza hut cuz pominville scored lol

thats why no one is going to Avs and devils games anymore

boring game. we weren’t hitting, they basically ran over us. crowd obviously wasn’t into it. It was such a huge difference from the canadian game, i didn’t stop yelling friday night. Tonight, i just sat quietly in my seat saying “fucking Vanek” evertime he touched the puck.

Boring game i agree with lafengas we could have won soo many more games or had higher scoring games if vanek burried more pucks infront of the net, he didnt really do anything tonight.Im suprised there werent more penalties , but it was more of a cleaner hockey game that way except for that cheap hit on briere by that colorado player.We couldnt even move the puck out of our own zone.Then we couldnt keep the puck in there zone for longer than 10 seconds, there defense was all over our asses tonight and most of them were big guys who out muscled our team. Dissapointing game by the sabres we could have had that if we got a little creative tonight and actually shot the fuckin puck at the net especially in the 3rd. Oh well at least drurys back :slight_smile: and :tup: for paetsch’s 2nd in 2 games, fuck spacek free up his 3.3 million dollar salary and sign paetsch.He’s done more than spacek has all season in 1 game.

boring game but i liked kaleta’s hit

Just got back from the game. was 1st row 4 seats next to the avs. They played a real tight/boring defence against us. When we tried to out skate them, they just knocked us down. They wanted the game more…not much else you can say…

boring game indeed, but ya need to think…

the avs are a team fighting for their playoff lives, and we have a injury plagued team sitting at the top of the conference, obviously there is going to be more of a sense of desperation on the avs behalf. I’m not surprised they were all over us. It was definitly a win-able game by any means, but hats off to the avs for coming out and shuttin us down. Its going to be interesting to see where colorado finishes when the final minute ticks down.

away from the game i heard that timmy connolly is supposidly coming back after the sabres next road trip. I guess he should be able to finish up the last 7-10 games before playoffs granted he doesnt suffer anymore setbacks.

I’m fine with the outcome. The way you win that game is you dump the puck in the corner and fight for it. Fight for it against a bigger team who’s deperate for a win. Is it worth risking more injuries grinding in the corners that might kill your playoff chances to beat a non-conference opponent?

Also, it does nothing for your team to call every hit on a star “dirty”. Briere had the puck on his stick, put his head down, and tried to turn up ice. He got a good clean hit that took him off the puck. Hecht went over and hit the guy that hit Briere, got a penalty, and got lucky that CO’s goon came over and crossed checked him to make it 4 on 4.

That was a tight tneutral zone trap. Four guys stacked every time we brought the puck up. We just gotta dump and bang 'em hard.

We also have a lot to look forward to if this was a “bad” game for us.

Trap> Sabres.

Better get used to that

Jersey does it, and will do it come playoffs…

In the playoffs you dump and bang. Who knows, maybe Peters will be dressed in the playoffs. I’d go with Kaleta over Peters though. He can hit AND play.

we just got sick of winning so much lately.

yea i think kaleta> peters

we also play them saturday…

im goin to the morning skate on saturday…anyone know if cameras are allowed etc? ive never been to a practice or skate…

im pretty sure you can take pics. i think after the skate usually you can meet some guys