going to the game tonight. should be fun. going friday night, should be fun. going next wednesday. not sure yet, but the forecast looks to be fun as well.
Suite for me Friday night as well.
where do you guys go to watch the games? i’m gonna be in buffalo for a week around thanksgiving, intown for 2 games, and i want a crazy loud full of fans bar to go to.
duffs was fucking crazy when the last game was on.
southwestern & orchard park rd, right by taffys
Tonight’s prediction :
Mini Sabres 23 (max is hurt)
Ottawa 0
thats right down the rd. from my parents house, maybe i’ll stop there. How are the BWW’s for games?
LOL former. GO Sabres!
No bump for briere!?!?!?
yep he does
They are putting on the heat and now have a PP, not looking too good right now.
tie game 2-2
buf on the PP now
SCHAEFER u fucking thundercunt
fuckin shit
Pretty dissapointed, but oh well…