~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

agreed… I can’t believe we didn’t have more shots than that…

couple roster notes for tonite:

Connelly out (day to day), Novotny in.
Kalinin out (week to week), Fitzpatrick in.

Good, Novotny can bring it, and I dont think Fitzpatrick hurts us. Kalinin did look like he was running around like a chicken with his head cut off a few times.

:tdown: to connelly being out

:tdown: :tdown: to Fitzpatrick replacing Kalinin

:tup: to your :tdown:s

fitzpatrick absolutely blows right now.

when is connelly expected back? i read the articles in the paper the morning after the game, and Ruff said he was feeling much better and might even play in tonight’s game…

was Ruff just being his usually sarcastic self?

maybe he’s just not starting or something

Im surprised they didnt out vanek in, I know he has been less than super lately but after riding the pine i thought he would snap back again.

better safe than sorry i guess…

and yeah, what the hell was up with vanek being scratched…that guy was incredible during the regular season, by far our craftiest player i would say…

the tailgating begins downtown out in the parking lot @ approx 3:30. if you cant hang, stay home.

Vanek was pulled because he’s been just standing around on the ice while everyone else was giving 110%.

Did you see that Hasek practiced with the team today? And now they’re saying he could return for game 4.

he’s been skating with them for a while now. and that rumor has been flying around since the beginning of the playoffs - don’t get too excited just yet.

what a story that would be. Sens in 7. :ohnoes:

^^ that wouldn’t be a story at all…

that is just a fairy tale that will NEVER COME TRUE

im pretty sure he was just skating around since the beginning of the playoffs, and now is actually getting in net and taking shots.

yeah…but i doubt Hasek will actually play. even if he does he’s not going to be 100%

it would be a rush job getting him in, he’s not ready yet… 5 hole the shit outta him 'til something breaks again.



ready or not i think they’ll put him in by game 4…going into game 4 already down 3 (assuming we win tonight), the Sen’s would have nothing to lose…so hasek starts to hurt a little and he goes back to the bench, they won’t lose anything by trying…

here’s their two options i think:

A - keep hasek benched, and most likely they will lose, and be out of the playoffs…end of their season

B - give hasek a try, let him earn his paycheck, and have a shot at winning, hasek at 75% is still better than their current goalie at 100% from what i’ve been watching…and if hasek starts to hurt and feels it’s not safe to stay in the game, then put him back on the bench…

They could also be talking about putting him back in to throw off the game plan for the sabres or to get them worried about it and take their heads out of the game. who knows?