Official Forza 3 Thread


I can vouch for that. Just got my 360 back from Microsoft. I’m enjoying the hell out of this game instead of going to the gym.

i miss the money glitch ,only made 4 mill of it

however im steady making about 100k a day not doing a thing, i uploaded vinyls to my store front and people off my website are going nuts for them, same with tuning setups and designs… !! i got over a mill sitting in my store front, i change up my stuff every couple of days , check it out LOL

im sitting around 4 mill right now i spend mad cash tho

addicting fucking shit

i’ll rape u online , hit me up

I found the glitch for Forza 3 if you play it offline and haven’t updated the game.

They say you have to buy ALL upgrades, but I just tried with a few.

Basically…on any car…but I do this on a 360 Modena:

  1. Go to upgrades
  2. Go to engine swap
  3. Swap in the F430 V8
  4. Go to engine upgrades and buy all of them
  5. Press start and ‘reset to default upgrades’
  6. Press XBox button and log out
  7. Log back in, start the game
  8. You SHOULD have the money you start with before you bought whatever upgrades for this cheat and you should still have parts you bought. Sell those.
  9. Exit out to the main menu (so it saves your money)
  10. Go back into upgrades
  11. Go to engine swap and sell the F430 engine (it should sell all the parts associated with it)
  12. Repeat.

Seems to be working for me. I get $79,850 every time I do it. Might take a while…but I’m on an 360 Modena right now. I’ll eventually upgrade to an exotic where the swaps cost MUCH more.

Or youtube: Forza 3 Offline and watch the first video.

EDIT: Buy a Camaro Z28 and get the V8DSC - Corvette C6 ZR1 swap. It’s about $120k for the cheat.

ahhh !! u found out how to doit offline, dammit, i knew there had to be a way…

can u unpatch the game? I think u can

im gonna unpatch and do this

yah nvm, u gotta do this on a profile that hasnt played on the new forza update


its alright im consistantly making at least half a million a week in decal sales, and i have all the major cars i want im just fuckin with the cheaper shit right now

im hovering around 4.5 million right now, i spend way too much im kinda done with that tho, just gonna collect money and do some races with the crew from my site

You can erase the patch but that means erasing your profile too.

how many decals do you make? i guess i just don’t play the game enough, i make around 5k a week in decals. but i still am working on making jesse’s m3, and thats been like 3 weeks.

Heres a few of my pics

Just got this game and have completed the first two circuits, guess i gotta put mw2 down and do some work

my fiance bought this for me for my birthday OMG im hooked on to the online drifting in multiplayer… i spent 5 1/2 hour playing it last night… Someone send me cars i keep blowing all my money on dumb shit!

the hotness

Um… about this money glitch… you get $80 grand for buying stuff, logging back in, etc. Why not just spend that time…ya know…racing… for the same $80 grand?

Umm…cause…umm…that takes forever and it’s not as fun as building crazy cars and actually enjoying the tracks…while…like…drifting and shit.

To each his own. I’m going back and doing all the races now. The only ones where you truly have the upper hand is the first bunch…once there is limits, you can only do so much. Like I have an R3 Audi S5 that I had to downgrade to R2 to do a certain event. By doing that, I was evenly matched against the AI and it was still semi-challenging. But at least I have 30 cars that are maxed out and fun.

I just race, i dont do the money glitch, I have about 3 mil though. I have any car that is worth having.

idk i have a bunch online, they aren’t anything special, i play it every 2-3 weeks now… i dont have the time anymore really… when i log in i always hav about 300-400k ready to receive from my storefront

I race Honda’s and Audi’s hit me up ill race