Official Forza 3 Thread

I am 40 or 41 I think.

YA see, thats ridiculous, im glad my shit broke i got alot of crap to do and if it was working i’de prolly be at the forza auctions right now …FTL

sooooooooooooooooooo the gamertag from my banned xbox is no good?

ive been level 50 on forza for about 1 week

It’s fine. If you recover it to another HDD and console.

On your CURRENT console, it’ll continue to work, but it won’t upload to Live and is therefore meaningless. If you put your HDD onto another console, everything gets corrupt.

SO, if you get another system…you’ll have to start from 0% on EVERY achievement and every game. MS really F’ed us with that one. I understand them being mad about Live, but they have no right to take away my HDD access even if I did modify my box. What if I play games I legally own but don’t want to scratch the disc? How do they know I’m actually downloading them?

because anyone who buys the games, never goes through the bullshit and a pains in the dick, just to play backups, with xbox 360… not happening bud…

its 90% of the time piracy, they aren’t stupid, M$ knows more about piracy and has more experience with it than any other company dealing with software most likely…

they know u are fucking pirating, and they know they can bend the rules, go into grey areas, and inconvenience those who think they can get by with a free ride…

it is what it is, im all about piracy, but i know they know we know they know…

I know. I’m just sayin. It’s f’in stupid that they can brick my entire console basically for something like that. They didn’t make the games (they make like what? 4 games?). I already paid them the money for the console itself (or someone else did). I understand their gripe with Live being filled with pirates, but that’s where it stops. They should have no more control over my console after that. What I do to the firmware on my own is my business, not theirs.

well it is their business… thats part of the terms of use… its not legal to modify and reverse engineer the stuff they make

As far as I know if you buy something you have the full rights to modify and reverse engineer, that’s how tech companies get the scoop on their competition.

for games, it was a constantly brough up issue on my gaming site… its in the terms and conditions / license agreement explicitly stating that you can not reverse engineer the code / software and reuse it for any purpose…

making game mods is actually illegal, no one bothers with it unless u try to sell mods…

But console modding is different. MS doesn’t like the people who took regular HD’s and made them work with the XBox because people could have 500GB drives in their XBox’s. That’s non of MS’s business. Same goes for Firmware. We bought your console, we paid you your money, you job is done.



lol. :rofl

It’s all good.

:stuck_out_tongue: fukit

PS, I’ve been modded in online games. FUCK that. Im glad they are banning people with modded boxes

Figured I’d post up some of my pics I finally uploaded.

Photobucket raped the shit out of them though.

The drift comp cars:

VGJ rep 05’ Stang (I didn’t do the design)

1k bhp Supra…yeah it’ll slide the whole sunset infield banked in 5th or 6th.

Team Orange 04’ STi (again, didn’t do the design)

Fujimi Kaido downhill S13 beater (again, didn’t do the design)

Shark R390 V8TT powered R33 (still didn’t do the design)

Vodafone G8, LOVE THIS CAR (didn’t do the design…again :rofl)

weak benny, no camaros


the G8 is close enough for me, it’s got a n/a 700bhp LS7.

nice nice. Ive been thinking about getting this game, how is it compared to others?